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Posts posted by ProjectGuitar.com

  1. If you have a CD that your selling on the net for your band or yourself post a link to the page in this thread!

    I will be using this thread to update a new page over on the main site promoting members music for free so update it if you make any changes to your site or quit selling the CD's.

    Please don't post conversations or chats here about each others work (those post's will be deleted) , just links to the site selling your work, Thanks :D

  2. It has come to my attention that some of the members of the forum (especially the younger one's) still need to realize this place was created for learning and working on guitars, not cussing and using foul or adult language every chance they get.

    That can and does offend a large group of members in the forum and you have been given a section where it is allowed. If you can't abide by the forum rules you will certainly first feel the wrath of the moderator's and trust me Kev's nick isn't a joke when he's unleashed on somebody.

    So keep it clean in the general forum or feel the pain of humiliation or worse yet getting suspended or banned at a moments notice.

  3. Matia.jpg

    Today I was informed that Matia a forum member and a good friend to Project Guitar has passed on. He was a very nice friend and friendly to everyone here and will be sadly missed.

    It's times like this I think we should always reflect on the good that has happened in our live's and also concentrate on keeping our own world safe. His passing came about abruptly from an automobile accident.

    He will surely be missed :D

  4. The Project Guitar.com "Guitar of the Month" contest is a showcase for all the members, so show us your axe in this thread!

    This contest is open to any and all members and will be continued each month for a place showing your creation on the homepage!

    The winner of course will have hi/her guitar featured on the homepage of Project Guitar.com and if you have a website the picture will link directly to it if you so choose (even commercial site's).

    If your a forum member you will also be upgraded to a Featured member which allows you to see the Advanced Chat section and download area.

    So show us your creation in this thread! You've got till midnite EST the 24th of January then this thread gets locked and the voting starts!

    Side note, if you are unable to post a picture you can e-mail one to Brian and it will be posted for you

  5. The Project Guitar.com "Guitar of the Month" contest is a showcase for all the members, so show us your axe in this thread!

    This contest is open to any and all members and will be continued each month for a place showing your creation on the homepage!

    The winner of course will have hi/her guitar featured on the homepage of Project Guitar.com and if you have a website the picture will link directly to it if you so choose (even commercial site's).

    If your a forum member you will also be upgraded to a Featured member which allows you to see the Advanced Chat section and download area.

    So show us your creation in this thread! You've got till midnite EST the 23rd of December then this thread gets locked and the voting starts!

    Side note, if you are unable to post a picture you can e-mail one to Brian and it will be posted for you

  6. The Project Guitar.com "Guitar of the Month" contest is a showcase for all the members, so show us your axe in this thread!

    This contest is open to any and all members and will be continued each month for a place showing your creation on the homepage!

    The winner of course will have hi/her guitar featured on the homepage of Project Guitar.com and if you have a website the picture will link directly to it if you so choose (even commercial site's).

    If your a forum member you will also be upgraded to a Featured member which allows you to see the Advanced Chat section and download area.

    So show us your creation in this thread! You've got till midnite EST the 23rd of November then this thread gets locked and the voting starts!

    Side note, if you are unable to post a picture you can e-mail one to Brian and it will be posted for you

  7. As far as the "speculations" are concerned, that is more of the big picture in the sentence you quoted. It mainly concerns rumors about other members that could be misleading or deemed a violation of their personal right's.

    I think just about everyone should know by now that the rant section is a fairly safe place as long as it doesn't get out of hand and become a slam fest for real against another forum member.

    When it comes to the third quote you mentioned, that has to deal with both the e-mail account you have presently incase somebody want's to get in touch with you as well as locations in the classifieds section. Your saying "Down Under" pretty much sums's up the fact your in Australia so no worries there.

    The forum will go on moderated just as it has in the past month, the rules changing at this point shouldn't effect anyone as they were meant to go into place a few months ago to give the Administration and Moderators the ability to do their task's without question.

    Which at this point has been very little anyway. A few misspelled words in thread titles corrected and a couple of post's moved.

  8. The Project Guitar.com "Guitar of the Month" contest is a showcase for all the members, so show us your axe in this thread!

    This contest is open to any and all members and will be continued each month for a place showing your creation on the homepage!

    The winner of course will have hi/her guitar featured on the homepage of Project Guitar.com and if you have a website the picture will link directly to it if you so choose (even commercial site's).

    If your a forum member you will also be upgraded to a Featured member which allows you to see the Advanced Chat section and download area.

    So show us your creation in this thread! You've got till midnite EST the 23rd of October then this thread gets locked and the voting starts!

    Side note, if you are unable to post a picture you can e-mail one to Brian and it will be posted for you

  9. Since Project Guitar.com is officially 1 year old this month I would first of all like to thank each and everyone of you for helping make this place what it has become today.

    Project Guitar has grown in leaps and bounds over the past year and it is time the Guitar of the Month contest is handed over to all the members, so show us your axe in this thread!

    The contest is open to any and all members and will be continued each month for a place showing your creation on the homepage!

    If you have a website the picture will link directly to it if you so choose (even commercial site's).

    If your a forum member you will also be upgraded to a Featured member which allows you to see the Advanced Chat section and download area.

    An additional prize (yet to be determined) will be awarded to the one person that win's this contest in a poll to be taken starting the 22nd and ending on the 29th of this month.

    So show us your creation in this thread! You've got till midnite EST the 21st then this thread gets locked!

    Side note, if you are unable to post a picture you can e-mail one to Brian and it will be posted for you

  10. This month I thought I would do something a little different so here we go :D

    Find the cheapest guitar for sale at a fixed price!

    The rules are simple:

    1. It can be your own or somebody else's but it must be a legit sale advertisment on the web.

    2. Classified add's in forums do not count.

    3. Auctions are allowed but the price has to be the lowest available at the end of this contest so fixed price auctions and those with the lowest buy it now are the only qualifiers.

    4. This contest is open to everyone!

    5. In the event of a tie (lowest price) the winner will be the first one to post his/her find.

    6. You must post it in this thread on the forum to win.

    This contest will run till the end of the month!

    The person that finds the lowest price guitar on the internet will win a magnifying headset like the one pictured below:


  11. This month I thought I would do something a little different so here we go :D

    Find the August Guitar of the Month for Project Guitar!

    The rules are simple:

    1. It can be your own or somebody else's.

    2. It must be from somebody who has not previously won Guitar of the Month.

    3. It must be a one of a kind either in finish or design.

    We will close the search 1 week prior to the end of the month on July 24. Then voting start's in the poll section and ends on July 30th. In the event there are more then 10 entry's there will be a vote off between the poll winners since more then one poll will be taken.

    The person that found the winning "Guitar of the Month" for August will win a magnifying headset like the one pictured below:


    Rule#2 edited to clear things up

  12. It is a sad day when I have to log in to take action against forum members for slamming outside of the Soap Box Stand where it is allowed, much less each other but today this has happened.

    VH-guitarstore had been warned for previous offense's against the rules of the forum and has had more than one post edited for breaking rules in the past.

    Instead of taking matters into his own hands down in this thread, he should have reported an offense against himself to either a moderator or myself.

    Personally I thought he was coming around with the realization this site is about educating others on how to do it yourself but with complaints from more then one forum member about his actions I have no other choice but to ban him.

    LGM Guitars has not had any complaints sent to the moderators or myself but a public display of dispute towards another member of the forum clearly breaks rule 3.

    3. There will be no flaming, derogatory remarks, slamming or ill expressed comments tolerated pertaining to forum members, different makes and models of guitars that they own or are working on, or web sites and their content owned or represented by Project Guitar. (The Old Golden rule applies, if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all) The exception to this rule is posting in the Soap Box section of the forum where you can say anything you like including negative comments on any issue.

    From here on out any member caught breaking any of the forum rules will not only be given a warning via PM which was done in the past to the banned member, they will also be issued the following badge for 5 days so that any of the moderators off duty and other forum members know without further action


    Personally I'm a very passive administrator but continued complaint's, IM's, phone calls and e-mails made it impossible not to take further action against both party's involved in this matter.

  13. Ok everyone has visited the supply page at least once.

    At the end of this contest I will be splitting up the supply section into the 9 different groups currently listed so this months contest is to find suppliers not currently listed!

    Here is how you score points!

    You get 1 point for every category the supplier falls into but you must also list the category's with the link see example below:

    Stew Mac- Guitar Kits and Supplies, Hardware Supplies Direct, Inlay Supplies, Paint and Finishing Supplies, Tool Supplies (this would count as 5 points)

    Suppliers that fit into the Specialty Supplies section count as 5 points each since they only manufacture or supply 1 item.

    Your Points double if they ship worldwide and you tell us in your post!

    Your links must be to the home page of the supplier and not currently listed on the supply page anywhere.

    The winner of this contest will receive this handy boxed toolset shipped anywhere in the world as their prize:


  14. Received an E-mail from somebody that has prompted me to place a warning label on this page.

    After I have investigated it, the link will either go back to it's original description or be deleted.

    If anyone has a problem with a vendor, please feel free to E-mail me or post the problem in the Soap Box Stand which is the original reason that section was created (so people could find out about problem places before dealing with them on a first hand basis).

  15. Yes I know I'm late so this one will be for both April and May!

    So let's get started and everyone hit your bookmark folder and search engines again. What your looking for this time? Build sites and tutorial sites of course!

    The old basic rule's apply:

    1. The site must not be listed currently on Project Guitar.com

    2. Post only the home page website address of your entry

    3. First to post a site claims it for the point count.

    4. You must post which catagory the link will fit in to.

    Now on to the prize, just about the most common problem people come up with when working on a guitar doing a custom job for the first time is they don't take the time to practice and experiment on something else first!

    Even I use an old beater neck to practice on as pictured here!


    The winner will get a new neck to practice on so you don't have to trash your own! It is factory finished with some of the toughest stuff I have ever run across so you can even practice removing finishes! :D


    Contest deadline is May 31st but remember rule 3 B)

  16. As some of you may have noticed there are a few changes to the forum this morning/afternoon/evening depending where you are located

    We will be going through a few minor and one major change in the very near future, here are a few of the things you can look forward to:

    You can now use the "Fast Reply" Feature located at the bottom of each thread!

    The "Soap Box Section" Has been renamed and has new rules posted for that section only.

    The Basic Forum Membership Rules are in the process of being re-written so issue's may be resolved easily and safely. There will be a post titled "New Rules" When this has been finalized. These should help keep this a civil and safe place where you can still learn and have fun.

    A Complete New Catagory and Forum Section will be open soon for Spanish Speaking friends.

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