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Posts posted by Sugden

  1. Hey just thought id come on say what i do for alan.

    Yep I use photoshop and illustrator, cant really think of anything better, and plus its what I seem to have to learn for the industry I want to go into. I basicly take the images of the designs and create the vectors (i could use a more industrial programme like autocad but illustrators abit more flexible). I then get all the hardware together from real images (which i might add is a pain to find good copies of); Then use the real woods try and make it look like it would with a laquer finish, and make it more 3D with some highlights, and a couple of other bits of shiz waz you get the renders.

    I spent a long time to get the strings to look real even tho as it turns out you cant even tell. But at least i know its there :D

    I could attempt making the textures but tbh it is real time consumer and totaly pointless, its much better using the real woods as thats what the customers going to acctualy get.

    Im always doing things differently trying to get it better its not quite where id like it yet but. But alan seems happy so everytime he likes a render its a job well done, plus it seems to help alans customers see what they will get at the end.

    Which i may add Im one of already and shortly to have my second ACG underway, stunning basses :D

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