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Posts posted by TelZilla

  1. So, I thought I had my partscaster all done.

    It's a '95 MIM James Burton, which I painted Almond Krylon. I'm using a neck humbucker from GFS (4 wire), a Fralin Blues Special for the bridge and a five way switch.

    I'm using this wiring diagram from the US Fat Tele: http://fender.com/support/diagrams/p...000_02BPg2.pdf

    And here's what the 5 way (I'm using a single wafer superswitch) is supposed to do: http://fender.com/support/diagrams/p...000_02BPg4.pdf

    So when I plugged it in, I'm only getting sound from switch position 5 (both coils of the neck bucker)- No sound, even from the neck PUP, in any other position. I did not do the most elegant wiring job, so I had to squish a bit to get everything in the control cavity.

    Also, the jack felt a little funny (I didn't get a good "Click" when the cord went in)

    My questions:

    -I assume the fact that I'm getting some sound from the neck Pup rules out the jack as the culprit. Is this right?

    -I haven't had the chance to take the control plate off and see what's screwed up under there (I tried to quadruple check everything before I screwed the plate on). I'm hoping it will be something obvious, but if it's not, is there anywhere in particular I should start? Basically, what would explain the fact that I'm getting a tone from one switch position, but none whatsoever form any others? Is there a process of elimination I can use to pinpoint my error more quickly?

    Sorry , no pix, but it was late, and I was tired, and it was all I could do not to start breaking s**t.

    Thanks all.

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