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Posts posted by john

  1. Hi all,

    LONG time since I last posted, but im back :hyper

    I`m currently rebuilding a Bass I made many years ago, my first in fact.

    I still have no idea what one of the woods(the dark wood) I used actually is, Any ideas from the pics below?




    The colour is really rich and goes from a Brown to a Deep reddish brown depending on the lighting conditions. Some really nice figuring too but I couldn't capture it properly on camera.

    It is very dense, little heavy and close grained. Very nice to work with, machines very well.

    the loaded body weighs in at a touch over 3kg.

    I had originally thought it was a curly mahogany of sorts but couldn't be sure, It is way way darker than any other African mahogany I have used anyway.

    Any help appreciated,


  2. ah, i stand corrected!

    thanks for all hte nice comments guys, sorry was a bit lazy with the pics! did`nt get onto the net much lately...


    all of the hardware is from stewmac!

    @Tiny Tim,

    the position line markers are a bluish silver paint( toyota 1AO ) painted on with the aid of some careful masking!

    once again, Thanks!


  3. Hi There,

    the funny thing is , this is the first fretless i have ever played... seriuosly!

    i decided i loved the sound of them after listening to pino palladino play in "new york minute" by don henley, so then i decided i would build one knowing full well that i would have to learn how to play it..... hence the fret lines :D


  4. the finish is just car paint, a few coats of high build primer sanded smooth with 600 grit, blue basecoat from a fiat punto, and clear on top. then sanded back with 1200 grit and machine polished using Farecla G3 compound.

    the paint is all acryllic 2k car paint. it dries rock hard and is very dent/crack resistant.

  5. Hello all,

    i have not posted here for quite some time, nut i finally got the finger out and finished the 4-string fretless i promised myself, well here she is:










    mahogany body w/ contoured neck joint.

    3pc mahognay neck

    ebony fretboard

    abalone side dots

    gotoh tuners

    schaller bridge

    Emg HZ pickup

    1 vol, 1 tone

    just keepin it simple......

    the colour is from FIAT, and i think it looks good against the black hardware. I just love this machine...


  6. Ugly like a baboon's ass

    methinks somebody has been watching dirty sanchez ..... :D

    i highly recomend the hipshot hardtail bridge, personally i would choose it over the above mentioned bridge because it uses string thru body mounting.

    ps. wes, that guitar is sweet, nice work!


  7. That is one wicked looking piece of wood!

    The only spalted species I've seen so far were maple, so it's interesting to see something different.

    sycamore kinda is maple, well at least they are both from the same species of tree the acer tree. eg: acer sacharum = sugar maple , and so on.

    nice guitar dude!, the body looks like and alembic kinda shape.

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