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Everything posted by Lefty

  1. I need to saw the slots for my frets. I ordered medium frets from stewmac and forgot to order a saw. What are the chances of finding a saw thin enough to do the job, at a local store? Should I just give in and pay the extra bucks for one from stewmac?
  2. Quarter, could you rephrase that? There's too many "and"s and "or"s.
  3. I don't know if this has been discussed before but anywho. I'm building a guitar. It's maple and I really like the look of the grain. It's all bubbly and stuff. How should I paint it red so you can still see the grain?
  4. The diagram told me to attach a wire from the bridge to the ground. I read at another site that I could get electrocuted from doing that. What should I do?
  5. Well I tried swapping the two wires going to the jack. It didn't help. The black and ground are connected. The red goes to the pot and the white and green are connected. The guy who sold it to me said it has the ability to switch to single-coil so maybe I have the single coil on and that is the buzzing.
  6. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y136/PLeftyC/PicMod.jpg What am I doing wrong? The pickup buzzes really bad. I know I'm supposed to attach the ground connections to the pot but the sound shuts off. Green and white are soldered together, it's just hard to tell in the pic. I really don't know much about the pickup except japan-made, maybe epiphone, and could be old as 80's.
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