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Posts posted by Gobbo

  1. you can have a band without guitar and still sound awesome, but you cant have a band without a bass.

    ok, heres how i see importance in its order:

    drums is by far the most important part of a band

    bass is just slightly less important than the drums

    guitar is pretty low. its about as usefull as keyboards or synth.

    bottom of the list is vocals. true its the only reason for most songs, but in my opinion it comes last.

    no drums means no beat means terrible music

    no bass means no soul means hollow and heartless music

    no guitar means no spotlight... some songs do well without a spotlight.

    no vocals... well, we did well without vocals in all those symphonys back in the day.

    all my opinion of course. and what i said doesnt say it hasnt been done before. white stripes has no bassist and they are popoular (though they sound hollow, and their guitar riffs are mocharys) supertramp has extereemly little guitar and they are one of my fave bands.

  2. My personal favorite is when everyone finally goes to bed, break out the acoustic and start playing the duelling banjo's thing from the movie Deliverance  It's funny as crap for the people that get it

    :DB) haha my idea too! someone says "hey? you can play guitar? here play me somethin" i usually go with that. everyone always gets at least a chuckle out of it. when im done that, if they still nag me to play, ill go with "last kiss" by pearl jam. girls love it, guys usually get me to stop playing. therefore i dont have to play any more, and i get to talk to all the girls =D. but if the guys are too drunk or gay to make me stop, ill stick it out with time of your life, paint it black (acoustic has a pretty cool sound.. at least my acoustic) scar tissue, almost anything from great big sea, and classical gas always means im done. if im ever out playin and i get so far as to play classical gas, i demand a free drink from anyone whos pushin.

    "ok, i have one song in my head left thats better than the rest of these songs put together, but im going to have to charge you a drink to play it" :D

    "what? no, fine stop playing"

    {plays the first little bit}

    "hey why did you stop?"

    "gunna pay up?" :D

    "yea, here"


    {plays classical gas}

    classical gas. i love it to death!

  3. bass can really stir up a song. i dont know how many times the band im in starts one song, then the guitar solo comes in, then mrbass comes in and steals it, then i steal it, then he steals it.. then the song turns into a battle with a drum beat lol. i think i have a bass solo complex, no matter how hard i try to let it go that mr.bass stole my solo, i have to steal it back.

    well, it always turns out awesome for everybody, because we find ourselves doing so many new things, and we can make some pretty cool sounding songs. :D

  4. tried for 9 years to get my parents to buy me a guitar. got a job about 8 months ago and put 2 months of full pay into my first electric, and now my parents are kicking themselves in the ass because all the people they know who come and teach me odd things are like.. "and hes been playing how long? how did he pay for that kind of setup?". then i went out about a week and a half ago and bought a second guitar... i think my parents finally see why i nagged at them for 9 years... and still it was ME who had to dish out... oh well. its somethin to show for all the hard work i do B):D (my job is too much fun to be hard)

    ive been playin for 6 months about.. though if i had it my way it would be like 9 years or so.

  5. i have this levis soft leather strap. its plain ole black, and 2.5 inches thick. 1 inch as just flat leather, and about 3/4 inch to either side of soft flexible padded leather that makes me... uhh.. yea :D . its nothin fancy, which is perfect for my look, and it holds on to my guitar like itll never let go.. almost impossible to take off lol

  6. ...or take a music theory class.

    thats exactly what im going to have to do. theres so much theory out there that every basic player should know.. but i dont. i have technique to a good start, and a tuning ear, but theory and putting theory to use is a weakness of mine thats huge.

    on a differant note (no pun intended =P) i found some of the basic riffs to go off of. im going to have to dive into scales... thats right... i havent even touched scales lol.

  7. Reminds me of the story where NASA spent $100,000's to develop the pen that would write in zero gravity. The USSR had it right, because their astronaughts just used pencils.

    not only does it write in zero gravity, but it also writes under water, on glass, in sub zero temperatures, and potentially on the surface of venus. at least thats what i was given in the story B)

    whenever i design anything, it goes on paper first. easier to erase and whatnot before you go and make it nice and pretty on computer :D

  8. ok, so i consider myself to be inexperianced at best when it comes to music. i can pull a dozen chordes, and i can pick a dozen lines. :D building? well ive changed strings once, and a battery to a paddal of mine... oh, and i buffed out a scratch once. B)

    so here i am, playing some music. i thought to myself "it would be nice to know some really basic blues, country and/or jazz riffs". then it hit me. ask someone who might! so can any of you wizards out there help me out? much apreciated :D

  9. smoke on the water, i forgot about that one. its the first song i ever learned without having to look at some sort of music sheet first. after that i went on a rampage on ramstein and chevelle and linkin park(shh, dont laugh), and out of all three bands, the funnest song for me is "wonder whats next" by chevelle.

    never heard whole lotta love, time to open kazaa! :D

  10. i was about to mention semi autos! ever since i drove one ill never really appreciate a regular manual. its an auto, but you have control of when it shifts =D custom made and bought by a friend of mine, he put it in his 68 falcon with a 427 cobra jet.

    im all about autos though, because i like to drive big boats that are comfortable!

  11. home for sure... school is too hectic. next semester when i have off block will be my acoustic time (as i will have a nice acoustic by then) as well as homework.

    but yea, i do most at home cuz thats where i chill with my homies :D and pex out somethin nice.

  12. ford or chevy, mustang or camaro... i was always about cudas myself. nobody can beat mopar!

    i own an ibanez. it sounds so hollow. i like it like that though. i tried out a whole bunch of electric guitars in the store, some were screachy, some were chunky, but when i strumd my beast the hollow sound said somethin to me. just go with what you like! like people have said...

    though if i had 2000 dollars i would have bought this sweeeet gibson.

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