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Posts posted by petersfield

  1. Most of you don't know me. Those that do,.. know me as John at Kahler Parts. I am the Parts, Service and Support head at Kahler USA.

    If anyone needs some Kahler questions answered I'll be glad to help you. Its my job.

    If you want to hear a Kahler live, or need some 1 on 1 help, I will be happy to call you on the phone or better yet...If your able, i can Skype or MSN messenger you with my PC video camera and give you a E-jam Lol. Privately email me at wammi@wammiusa.com

    I will arrange with you a private showing of the range and sound.

    If any of you out there are familiar with streaming live or videos that can be displayed on the web, please email me. I am unfamiliar in this territory but I am anxious to post lessons and demos of the sound, ranges and techniques ect. I need some expert video posting guidence here.

    Wammi J

    www.wammiusa.com (951) 541-2387 :D

    www.kahlerparts.com (760) 494-5969



    Hi, first post! 2300 series 8 string black, Beautiful piece of engineering, v cool design!

    Do Kahler offer a mdf template for their trems, if not, why not? Much better idea than us making our own , and v inexpensive to do quantities surely?

    There was no protective card between the fine tuners and the rear 'stop plate'. It arrived with the trem tuners wedged against the rear, the tuners are very abrasive, and there are two areas where the f/tuners are v slightly scratched; ok you can lock it but there is a lot of tension there if your fingers slip while you are doing it and it bangs back, as I found out! Ouch, never been assaulted by a tremolo before!

    Any news/dimensions on an 8 string lock nut for this one? Opinions, which is the better trem , the 2200 or the 2300?

    Ta Pete uk!

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