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Posts posted by BMXGUY

  1. I just bought a vintage tele wiring kit such as the one shown here http://www.acmeguitarworks.com/Tele-Kit-Vintage-P80C27.aspx the digram i received with it, which can be seen here http://www.acmeguitarworks.com/webpage.aspx?webpage_id=8 under 52 tele wiring diagram,My question is that the switch seems different in the diagram than the one i have the first terminal from the bottom is on the right side while the switch i have is on the left do i still wire it the same way as in the diagram or is there some other way i should be doing it, thanks alot hope my question makes sense.

  2. I am bidding on this body on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEBI%3AIT&rd=1 i hope nobody outbids me but will see what happens, im just curious if anyone has any ideas of what i should use to paint this i want it to be somewhat transparent to show the difference in woods, do i need some sort of a grain filler as well. Also i cant tell if the control plate will fit because if you look in the picture with the pickguard it dosent quite line up right maybe its just me but it caught my eye.

    Thanks alot any ideas on color would be great to

  3. I am building a tele style guitar and cant pick which pickups to get without hearing them its a toss up between the duncan antiquity pups, lindy fralin stock tele set or vintabe vibe tele pups, just curious what everyone else prefers as the best possible pups for a tele also whats the difference between the hybrid and stock staggered poles, just curious which would be better for a allparts 22 fret tele neck.

    Thanks any help would be great

  4. Yah ive given up on the noiseless a telecaster distinct tone comes from the twang and feedback and someohow i think the noiseless will cancel out this classic sound, ive been looking on ebay for some lindy fralin but they were a little over my budget im willing to pay about 100.00 for a set, if any one has some suggestion in this price range it would be great

  5. I am putting a tele style guitar together but cant decide on which pickups i should get if any one knows of any pups that have a vintage sound but can still be used for many types of playing let me know, i was looking at some fender vintage noiseless and emg-t but have never heard them and cant decide

    any help would be great

  6. I just bought some tele graph tech saddles off ebay and the E/E spread on them is 55.35mm as seen here http://guitarelectronics.zoovy.com/product/GTS8100 the only problem is i need a bridge base so i thought id just buy a cheap black one off ebay but they all seem to have a E/E spread of 54mm like this one http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...577421&rd=1 if i put the graph tech saddles on this bridge will it work or will that 1.35mm difference have a big effect on it.


  7. Im looking for a black telecaster bridge on ebay, all i seem to find is cheaply made bridges so i thought i could just buy a black bridge take off the cheap saddles and put on some graph tech saddles. The only thing im curious is that the bridge has a 54mm E/E string spread while the graph tech saddles have a 55.35mm E/E spread will this make a difference or will it work fine.

    Thanks any help would be great

  8. Hi yah i did pay 150.00 for this but shipping cost 25.00 then i had 80.0 on customs, then 45.00 canadian for all the wire switches pots and shielding, plus the work was done so it works out but if someone wants to make me an offer go ahead, im not trying to screw anyone. Plus i would pay for shipping if i got that much.

  9. Hi sorry for the huge pictures but i couldnt make them smaller. I am selling a beautiful guitar body and neck as seen in the pictures. The body and neck have never been used, the body looks great it has a nice arch to it, and the electronics are all wired with shielding and heatshrink, its a really clean soldering job.The switch is a 5 way multi pole giving you a bunch of options. I guess the pictures can tell the details better than i can, the neck matches the body, the frets are painted along with the headstock with the same pattern and paint as the body. I will also include the back plates with all the screws including the neck screws. If anyone is interested make me an offer and ill get back to you i also am interested in trading for a telecaster body or neck. I accept paypal, cheques or money order.

    Thanks for looking


  10. I just purchased a guitar body routed for two humbuckers a 5 way strat style switch two pots and one mini switch hole, i am going to put a 5way 4 pole switch with 1 vol 1 tone and 500k pots, but i cant find any simple way of including the mini switch with the whole setup is their some sort of internal effects or booster i could wire into this, does anyone know of any simple projects i could do for the mini switch, and if so are their any diagrams or instructions on how to make this

    thanks alot how the question makes sense

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