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Posts posted by cukaracha

  1. is it possible to polish the whole guitar by hand? what are the results like compared to using the proper tools? how can i tell that its time to move on to the next compound and how will i know if i've completely cleaned off the previous compound before starting on a finer one?

  2. can you pls teach me how you arched the top so perfectly?

    "Teach" is a big word, I can tell you how I did ;-)

    I first started by tracing a line with a pencil on the side delimiting the natural binding (in my case 7mm). This is a very important line because it defines the level you have to reach by removing the material. It's also very impotant that you, using the chisel, leave 1mm from that line: you will trim it with sand paper later in the carving process.

    Then I traced, on the top, the "flat zone".

    Here is a picture where you can see the rough curving with the chisel and you can also see the line I traced to delimit the "flat zone":

    Picture 1

    You have to remove the wood in excess without going too near to the limit you traced (1mm). When you have reached a sufficient level of rough curving use the sand paper (I started with a 80) to complete the curving removing the famous 1mm of tollerance you left. I decided to do all by hand because if you use a sanding machine you don't have the sufficient control as you do it by hand.

    At the end, it is important that you remove all the sanding erregularities carefully: when you have a glossy surface you will notice all them as a kick in the stomac. To do this I used a tangental strong light source to identify all the points to be sanded.

    I hope my explanation will help you.

    There are also other techniques.

    Picture 2

    Picture 3

    Picture 4

    that really helped! thx, capu! but one more question, when you carved the body (between the edges and flat zone) using a chisel, did u carve it flat (not curved) first and then contuored it (to make it curved) with sandpaper or what?

  3. once again, whats a microplane and rasp? Pls excuse my lack of knowledge of tools. i'm quite a beginner with no one else to help me.. also, all the tools that i learn and use in school are in Malay language.. (eg. sandpaper is kertas(paper) pasir(sand))

  4. Erm.. i took a look at the links and honestly, that spokeshve thing doesn't even look like anything.. :D most probably because i've never seen one let alone heard of it.. B) could u pls explain how it works...? cuz from what i understand, it kinda works like a potato pealer, right? :D

  5. i plan to do it on an electric guitar. i'm gonna buy a freshly cut basswood body thats more or less the shape of an Ibanez RG Series but with slightly curved edges. so i'm actually gonna mod a stock body. any suggestions on what procedure i should follow?

    i plan to make it look from this:


    to this:


    Note: the first pic isn't exactly the guitar body i have / what the real one looks like. and the second one is how i want it to look, not exactly like that, just more or less. emphasis on the curved edges and slim body, not the input jack.

  6. I have a few questions:
    1. whats the difference between dry sanding and wet sanding
    2. when sanding the clear coat, how much presure should i use
    3. what TYPE (not brand) of polish should i use after sanding until 1500 / 2000 grit
    4. when spraying metallic colours, is it advisable to sand every coat (i read somewhere that sanding metallics affects the
    reflective properties)

  7. Erm... not exactly sure what to elaborate about.. but anyway, I used black hi-build lacquer and clear hi-build lacquer. Sanded with 600, 800, then 1000. After that, was going to polish it and it done. Btw, pls note that this is my first time doing a refinish, so i started 'small' by refinishing only the headstock. What I want is for it to look like a regular 'factory-finished' guitar whereby the whole thing has a glass-like surface thats smooth and no scratches can be seen at all..

  8. I'm just finished making a custom logo on a piece of transparency film (I followed the tutorial and used waterproof metallic markers, but without the Mod Podge). My question is, what type of glue should I use to glue it onto my guitar headstock thats been refinished (i used lacquer-based aerosol spray)?

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