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Posts posted by Simo

  1. Okay well here's my thought.

    Why not make it a divisional competetion.

    Pick the top 3 styles of guitars to be built that everyone votes on.


    - Telecaster

    - Les Paul

    - PRS

    Then everyone competes in their own division, those building Telecasters will compete against each other, those building Les Paul's will compete against each other, etc.

    This way there will still be a bit more variety and there will be less chance of getting stuck building something that you're not really interested in.

    There can still be an overall winner as well.

    I think there's enough people entered to acheive this if i'm not mistaken.

    just my .02 cents

    That's a good idea :D

    Now I'm just thinking out loud here but... what about 2 groups,

    1) Gibson/PRS

    2) Fender

    Perhaps we could have a prize for each category and then a bigger prize for the best guitar out of both groups.... I dunno, just an idea :D

  2. I am in favor of having the LP,Tele,PRS,Explorer, and Strat or whatever. What are we really going to gain from limiting the body to only one? I think the only thing we will accomplish is to close the door on some people. Personally I would trade some uniformity for participation. I am sure the judges can handle the variety.

    I'm in favour of that... I want to build a solid body nylon strung guitar next so that would be good for me :D

  3. No, I don't think we need that. The judges will have descretion to judge as they please, and I am sure they will be more than fair. This is for fun and to feed off each others energy in a good natured competition. This ain't bracket racing. Look at it this way we all walk away with great guitars. That is a pretty good prize!


    That's why I'd like the chosen guitar to be a Tele, the original guitar is simple so the less experienced people won't be put off entering and the more experienced guys can still go to town with carved tops, binding, inlays if they want to.

  4. 1. I'm in





    3. Like WezV I'm in the UK so a Stew Mac gift certificate would be cool.

    4. Myka, Melvyn Hiscock, Setch.

    I only have one slight issue, due to other projects that need finishing I probably wouldn't be starting on this project until we're half way through the 6 months (or whatever time limit is set), I have no problem getting it done it that time but I doubt very much I'd have any supplies to show for the 15th of Jan :D

  5. Ziricote headstock veneers are done :D The top veneer is bookmatched, it's a little paler that the fretboard and the back veneer but I'm hoping it will darken enough with the finish so it doesn't jump out too much, if not I'll stain it darker.

    For the back piece the Ziricote was cut and planed down to a very thin veneer (around 1mm) before glueing I pre-bent the wood using a plywood caul, one end of which was rounded over to roughly match the curve of the neck. With a little water and some clamping pressure on top of the caul the Ziricote bent very well. Altough if it was any thicker I'd probably use some heat to help things along. It went well for my first attempt anyway, I'll definitely be using veneers on both sides of my scarfed headstocks from now on B)




  6. Thanks guys :D

    I've been busy the last couple of days sorting out my workshop, but there will be some more updates very soon. I'm also waiting for some more Ziricote to arrive from the U.S. so I can cut a headstock veneer, I've got an idea about bookmatching a piece so there's a strip of pale sap wood in the centre for my logo....hmm, we shall see how it turns out.

  7. As my Black Limba guitar is getting close to being finished I've made a start on my next project, a 6 string bass. I've wanted to build a bass for a while now, actually I'm planning on building JUST basses for the foreseeable future :D I find them more interesting to design and build than guitars, in fact I'm already planning the next one :D

    35" scale, 24 frets

    16.5mm string spacing

    1 piece African Mahogany body

    Black Walnut, Purpleheart, Limba neck (with carbon fibre rods)

    Ziricote fretboard

    Hipshot Ultralite tuners

    Bartolini M56CBC pickups

    Bartolini 2 band pre-amp

    Graph Tech nut

    Here's how it's looking so far...

    The body cut and routed to shape (the shape has been tweaked quite a bit since these were taken)


    Another shot of the body


    Control cavity routed


    The neck blank


    The cat checking my work on the scarf joint B)


    Truss rod and carbon fibre rods channels routed


    And my favourite picture, the Ziricote fretboard courtesy of Larry @ Gallery Hardwoods...




  8. Lookin' good :D

    I'd disagree that air cleaners are almost pointless, in my case at least... I brought a Perform one from Axminster and it's one of the best things I've brought for my workshop. It depends the individual of course, but I use my belt sander a lot and I also route a lot of mdf, even with my Record dust extractor attached you get a lot of fine dust that you don't always see until the sunlight hits it.

  9. Basswood can be tricky to find over here, you could try www.craft-supplies.co.uk ....but as most UK members will tell you they're often out of stock of a lot of the woods they list in the catalogue. The best bet would probably be a finding a local timber yard in the yellow pages, and unlike CS they will normally plane the wood for you if you don't have the gear to do it yourself. Failing that buy it from the U.S., I think Will (username: sound@at11) has some Basswood in his ebay store at the moment. I've brought wood from him and got it quicker than a delivery from Craft Supplies would of taken...and I live about an 1 1/2 hours from them :D


  10. 6 string Maple bass neck, Rosewood fretboard with flying bird inlays. I have no idea what brand it is, it's obviously never been fitted...no finish, no holes drilled in the heal, nut not installed, etc. One of the truss rod channels could do with tidying up a bit at the end as you can probably see in the last pic, apart from that it's in great condition.

    £50 inc postage, Paypal preferred.....cat not included (unless you want to pay his vet's bill B) ) It'll be on ebay at the weekend if there's no interest on here :D







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