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Posts posted by Chip

  1. How would I wire two circuits such as a sustainer and an onboard distortion going to one stereo jack? Do you simply wire them both to the stero jack as normal? They would both run off of their own battery. I've never dealt with more than one circuit before.


  2. What type of pot do fernades use in their sustainers to control intensity? I need one that will lock when it is the centre position. It appears to only have 3 lugs which i perfect for what i would need it for.


  3. Hey there,

    I haven't been here for a looong time but decided to drop by as i was wondering whether anyone is building sustainer packages to sell? I did try to make a driver in '07, it was then that I discovered me and electronics do not get along.

  4. Hi again,

    psw: i've just been reading up on the last 4 weeks worth of posts, i haven't read all of it yet but i was just wondering if you were still planning to sell your kits on ebay because i would happily pay 80 AUD + postage anyday so long as you'd ship to the UK. Just thought id throw that out there.

    Edit: oh it appears you are, i'll just sit tight.

  5. Hi, im no good at this sort of thing but here's the deal, i have 3 pickup strat (S/S/S) i want to use the neck pickup as the driver, how does the wiring go with this. Do i rewire the guitar as a 2 pickup guitar and have the driver completely separate? What's the best thing to do for someone with little knowledge of this sort of stuff? Is there a diagram knocking about or something?

  6. Hi, ive been reading this thread for ages now ive decided i want to build a sustainer, im good with the driver part but the amp part kills me, is there an easy amp to build (is the ruby one the best one to go with?) i mean really simple to understand?

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