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Posts posted by Executioner606

  1. Sweet dude. I love having a dust collector on the bench grinder at school and the ventilation hood above the painting area. We've got a nice aircompressor and a spray gun. I mostly use it to shoot glaze on bowls and the hood sure does help alot. I love the oven hood idea , i might have to check this out when we replace our oven. :D

  2. I like them myself. One of the two only single coil guitars i'll play.

    What's the other one?

    I've tele, strat and an LP with P90s that REALLY sing!

    Strat , I wouldnt mind trying P-90's though they intrigue me. Ive played a jaguar before , wasnt really my cup of tea. Id like to try a jazzmaster too. I need to experiment with single coils more instead of just using the same old humbuckers.

  3. my partner here at the store also builds guitars and just bought an emg. i'm not familiar with them so i'm going to let him go first. what would the purpose of a kill switch be? thanks both of you.

    A kill switch is basically what it sounds like. It kills all the sound coming from your guitar. Theyre nice when you need to not have any sound coming from your guitar.

  4. BLS, this was the first one that I saw after Licth posted on my thread, but they are not available! And Floyd will be making them again hopefuly next year. So if Kahler decides to stop waisting time making G-clubs and start putting this together I think A lot of people will buy them...

    I know Gary is making trems again but i dunno if theyre making this model. Neal Moser is an authorized kahler dealer now , get ahold of him. He'd be able to tell you if gary is making them again or not.

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