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Posts posted by Paulie

  1. I use Ernie Ball strings and I always have done from the age of 14 (that's like 18 years now). There's no logical reason why I choose this brand, but I stuck with them because I have no problems with them.

    However, a good friend of mine despises Ernie Ball strings because they don't last five minutes on his guitar.

    We both have guitars equipped with Floyd Rose trems and locking nuts and even use the same type of pick and play the same style of music. He even replaced all the saddles on his trem (as the strings always break right on the saddle), but this did not help. He now uses D'Addario strings, which last him about three to fours weeks before breaking. I can leave a set on mine for 3 months and never break one.

    Maybe his sweat is toxically corrosive and mine isn't.

    I leave it to you guys ....

  2. Going back to the question ....

    I have found it slightly easier to do with a flat tuning, but I don't really know why. Once you have mastered the trailing the thumb behind the pick thing to get the harmonic, try moving you picking hand closer to or away from the bridge. You will find that the closer you get to the bridge, the higher the harmonic note. This works in the same way as natural harmonics on an open string. If you go for a natural harmonic on an open E at the 12th fret, you get a harmonic octave. If you fret the E at the fifth fret and pinch harmonic at around halfway between bridge and fret, you get the same result. Move a third of the way back towards the bridge and the harmonics get higher.

    For a bit of fun, if you want to to the squeeling stuff that Satch does, then pinch harmonic across the top three open strings at around the position of the neck pickup.

    I hope this helps and good luck. With a bit of practice, you'll be able to pull these harmonics off no problem.

  3. My first guitar (about 1986) - a Hohner Arbor series. Total Strat copy in antique white. I thought it was great, until I discovered humbuckers.

    Second guitar (birthday present in '87) was an Aria Pro II XX Deluxe. V shape in red with a maple fingerboard, two humbuckers and a vintage trem. Now THAT was a fantastic guitar and I loved it to bits. Shame I sold it as I would give anything to have it back now.

  4. Jeez Mike, give the guy a break. Yes, he is young (as we all were once), but it's not like that's his fault or his problem. When I was 18, I liked xxx and yyy guitarists. Now I'm 32 I have an extra 14 years of delving deeper and deeper into my preferred area of music. Now I rate other guitarists as being the best, guitarists that I never knew existed 14 years ago, but I still like and listen to the ones that hooked me on my taste in music.

    Sir, you have made an ass of yourself.

  5. It would seem to me Kevan that what is happening here is an attempt to silence those who bring no value to this forum. However, 'value' is dictated by your own conditions. So for people like me, who read the 'serious' threads about construction, finishing etc, but don't have either the expertise or experience to offer advice or tips to others will be squeezed out. What about people like Litchfield here, or Wes? These people have great knowledge which I know they pass on to others, but they also talk complete crap in the off topics sections.

    Now, I don't want to take this up on a personal level and start slagging others off, but from reading and watching this forum for some time, it does appear to me that you are only too happy to close down threads that you either disagree with what is being said, or deem them to be of no value, whether or not anybody else is interested or not. I'm really sorry Kevan, I'm sure you are a nice guy with a lot of knowledge and experience, but when it comes to moderating you come across as a bit of a Nazi.

    As I say, I'm sorry Kevan, I really don't want you to take this as a personal insult, nor do I really wish to engage in any arguing about it. That is my opinion and that's that.

  6. Just to satisfy my own curiosity ...

    Does anyone else actually rate Paul Gilbert or are many of you not heard him?

    Smitty - I rated myself by pressing random number keys on my keyboard. This was an attempt to indicate that I consider myself to be worlds away from the standard of the guitarists on my list, not to indicate that I consider myself as better than 80% of all guitarists in the world. But thanks for pointing it out anyway.

  7. I think that is both harsh and stereotypical Rhoads. I'm fairly sure that most of the people that have posted in this topic (myself included) don't fall under any of those three categories. Therefore, you imply that everyone who has expressed an opinion against PRS guitars speak with no basis for their argument.

    So, I think it is less about why people don't like them and more for the ones who do to indicate why they consider them to be better than others. Which is, incedently, the entire point of this thread.

  8. A particularly hard question to answer without seeming egotistical. I consider myself to be talented as a musician, in as much as I play guitar, drums (in a semi-pro band), piano, violin and am also a classically trained flautist (I play the flute, duh). I have passed several high grade exams on more than one instrument and music theory. However, when it comes down to it, my skill as a guitarist (after 12 years of playing) is still far short of exceptional. I have in no way mastered the techniques required to be a Paul Gilbert or Satch and am stuck in the 'one pentatonic fits all' category.

  9. I may be immensly stupid, this has been remarked upon on many occasions, but ...

    Surely when it comes to technique, Vai is the master. Of course, I take the word 'technique' to mean the actual mechanics of guitar playing such as sweep picking, finger tapping, use of tremolo etc etc, all the things that come with practice.

    I would highly rate others such as Paul Gilbert, Satch and Nuno Bettencourt. However, I don't rate Yngwie Marmelade because he seems to only be able to play one thing.

    But then, what do I know?

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