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Posts posted by Biohazard

  1. Hi, yeah, well I think i will possibly build in a Electro-Harmonix Small Stone, and a fuzz pedal, if i need to, have two batteries running the two effects independantly. I plan to have more than enough routed cavity for this. I'l let you all know how it goes when I plan on doing this.

    Thanks to all who posted.

  2. I don't know. I will have a regular body built out of Mahogany, finished in a protective lacquer. Next I will take the body templates and cut the aluminium to the shape of the body with all the pickup holes and pot holes etc. Then, with either screws or epoxy (most likel epoxy) and fit it to the guitar. I will have the neck pocket shallower by the same thickness as the aluminium. Then once the front and sides and back have been done, I will take a file to the edges and file down the aluminium.

    So any problems with this plan?

    Thanks for everyones input though, it is much appreciated.

  3. Hi, thanks for those posts, these are very useful insights into the problems I will have to overcome, and problems that i wouldn't have thought of on my own, thanks to all who have posted on this topic.

    A message to Morben guitars, what do you mean by a side angle necessary to determin how the aluminium will affect the building of the guitar?

    About the Tune-O-Matic bridge, I have seen a TOM on a bolt on guitar before so I know it can work, plus luthiers I have spoke to haven't mentioned any problems with it.

    The Mahogany body will just have a protective lacquer on it, thats all i will specify to whoever builds the guitar, unless anyone has specific ideas of what should be on the body?

    I will no longer go for aluminium on the headstock, just a silver paint to sort of match the body, oh and I don't want to silver paint the body before anyone mentions it :D lol.

    Does anyone know how I will blend the edges of the guitar together where the aluminium sheets meet? Will a file do the job, or more than just a file needed?

    If theres anymore problems people can see with this then please say as I would like to hear any suggestions. Once all the technical stuff is out the way its just a case of carefully cutting the aluminium and the pickup holes and bridge holes etc and carefully correctly placing it on the guitar.

  4. Sorry I didn't understand that bit about the bridge and the neck pocket, would you mind re-explaining what you meant?

    Asl for the wood, I was only planning on having say a protective lacquer or oil over the wood then just apply the aluminium, theres no point in having a finish if your going to cover the guitar in metal.

    Would the screwing aluminium down work for the front of the headstock too, or would I be best using something like ephoxy for that rather than screws?

    Where the aluminium sheets meet at the sides of the guitar, would a file be enough to smooth down the edges and make it look good and be safe? Thanks. :D

  5. Hi, thanks for that information, so just wire it between the pots and output jack. Yeah i'll have a cavity big enough for the circuit, and a toggle switch on the guitar will replace the footswitch, and the extra pot holes I don't mind having. Thanks for that :D . Hope that Fuzz Face project goes well.

  6. Ok thanks for the input on the neck pocket, it's something i'l have to think about.

    In terms of attaching aluminium sheets onto guitar, could i just hammer in some screws, billets or whatever, or would this damage the wood, or would i have to drill specific holes for screwing the aluminium down with?

    As well as the neck pocket modification, what about the change in bridge height, Does a Tune-O-Matic bridge have the ability to have its height changed to whatever it needs to be, or will something else have to bee done?

    Will a file be enough for the edges of the aluminium where the front meets the side etc, because I will need to file down the edges or do something to it because of the sharp edges and to make it look finished. Any ideas how I could do this?

    Thanks very much for any info, and thanks for the posts so far, its given me lots of new angles to look at it from. Cheers. :D

  7. I am going to build in existing circuit boards. One curcuit might be an Electro-Harmonix Small Stone, and a Fuzz Circuit, not sure which yet. Any ideas how I would do this? I know I will need a 9v battery but what about actually building in the effects with the pickups and pots etc. Thanks again.

  8. :D Thanks very much for all those points, it's gave me some insight into the idea that I wouldn't have come up with myself. Screwing the aluminium down might work, and might give it a more industrial look, which is a good thing as id like an industrial look B) . As for the aluminium changing the sound, I am wanting to use a Kent Armstrong Motherbucker with Rio Grande Punchbox and Mahogany, so i don't think it will ruin the sound but any more comments on the metal changing the sound would be useful.

    As for the neck pocket having to be different, I am planning on plating up to where the neck will sit, not plating the neck pocket itself, would I still have to do something about the neck pocket. As for bridge height can I simply just lower the bridge? If not, how would I overcome this, any ideas?

    Anyone know if i would be able to file down the aluminium on the edges of the guitar or is using a file on the metal not going to work. Thanks again.

  9. Hi, I am wanting to wire the electronics of a guitar myself, and I am also wanting to build in an effect or two. Is this possible and how would I go about doing it? If anyone can give me some help or guidence I would be very grateful, thanks. :D

  10. Hi, I am planning on having a guitar made for me, and I am going to set up the body myself (as in screw on bridge and pickups. The reason for this is because I plan to cut some aluminium sheet and glue it to the front back and sides of the guitar body for a aluminium metal finish. Although I could do with some guidence or help as to how I should go about doing this, what glue to use, how to do it, any problems I could face. Any help greatly appreciated, thanks. :D

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