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Posts posted by Biohazard

  1. Ok thanks. I was to be honest, thinking between Sonar and Cubase. thanks for clearing this up for me. someone also mentioned Adobe Audition. Whats that like? Or should I stick to the Cubase and Sonar type products. By the way, what versions of these softwares should I go for? For example, there are so many versions of Cubase.

  2. Ok thanks very much. So maybe I should wait for the 64bit processor and boards to come down in price since they are relatively new anyway. I already have a custom guitar so dont need a new guitar.

    Overclicking is something I have no idea about so probably won't be getting into that.

  3. Ok thanks for all that information. you've cleared up the alt 3/4 for me now. I wouldn't go for the 1202 mixer anyway because the picture says 1204 pro and i'll just follow that lol. Should I look at the UB1204-Pro or the UB1204FX-Pro? As for card I was thinking Delta-66? What do you think this is like?

    good point, I forgot that I would use the amp line-out to go into the mixer lol. I wouldn't just go straight into thee mixer.

    If you don't mind, once we have near enough sorted out the hardware side, can I begin to ask about software, but not right now.

  4. Cool, i'm begining to see the advantages of the mixer now. I take it I dont have to have the Roland thing or the keyboard. I also take it that the Audio card can be changed for something else if I find a better one or someone recomends a better one. I can't plug my guitar straight from the out jack to the mixer in jack? I have to DI it first? Do I still have to DI it if I put my guitar through effects pedals (or turn my in built fuzz factory on) first, or would I still then need to DI after the effects. To make this clear would I have to DI the following:

    guitar -----------> mixer

    guitar -----------> built in FF -----> other effects -----> mixer

    Thanks for that diagram though, it's really helpfull. I appreciate the help.

    could you possibly just re-phrase that alt 3/4 bit again, I got slightly confused by that. Sorry.

  5. What do you mean by i'll be on the trailing edge by the time64-Os comes out?

    What motherboard should I get for the A64. I'm confused because I went to the Studi-Central forum but there are too many differing opinions on there at the moment. Also what kind of A64 should I get?

  6. Ok thanks for the information. I'm still ultimately confused as to what hoardware and software to go for. I'll worry about mixers later. I need to be making decisions ASAP since one of the reasons for this is to gain experience in this field to give me more chance of getting an audio engineering degree application accepted since I have no qualifications in music/music tech.

  7. Hi guys. Ok, I'm thinking of buying a whammy pedal, but the knob to change he whammy setting is a rotary knob :D. No footwsitching capabilities. Although the newest whammy has midi input as well as regular B). What I was thinking is would it be possible to buy or make a MIDI controlable footwsitch which will switch through the whammy presets and plug into the whammy via the MIDI input but not affect the guitar signal going through the analogue input in anyway?

  8. Ok, thanks for the very valuable advice. I appreciate it.

    My idea would be to have two hard drives. Not partitions, after reading what you have said. So I can have general purpose stuff on one hard drive. And just the OS and audio stuff on the other hard drive. So I boot up whichever one I will be using.

    These are the rough specs I had in mind, could one of you go through them and help me out if your would:

    ASUS A7N8X Deluxe motherboard (I hope this is suitable)

    AMD Athlon XP processor (hopefully as fast as I can get, I take it the 64-bit ones arent supported by the music software?)

    Atl least 512mb of dual channel DDR RAM

    120gb HD and 80gb HD or maybe both 80gb

    What do you guys think of this. Obviously I would then choose the sound card seperately once the PC was built and running.

    For OS is XP the one I want to be going for. Will other versions of windows or another company such as Linux not work as well with the audio software?


  9. Hi gues. Ok thanks for that. Since most questions are getting answered in the electronics section, I would like to sidetrack and ask a question about the PC's you record on. Someone suggested I check out the forum "Studio Central" and all people on there go on about DAW computers. Computers specifically for music recording and most have a computer for recording purposes, or at least a seperate/partitioned hard drive. Does anyone here go to these extreme lengths just for PC recording? Thanks for anymore information on this.

  10. Thanks guys. I appreciate all the comments and advice. It's such a hard thing to decide on. So software wise we seem to have:


    Sonar 4

    Adobe Audition

    Cubase (from the Steinberg package)

    What about hardware?

    Ideally I would like something with 4 I/O. Just in case I ever needed more. I'm not sure what the best hardware is, wether it is Steinberg, M-Audio or others. Any more advice would be appreciated. I won't be recording on a professional leve. More as a hobby.


  11. Wow, GibsonSG86 thanks for that. good to hear from someone who actually has the software. Do you do simeltaneous track recordings on it? Does the USB stuff give you latency problems? I may alos send you a pm to talk about this system outside of a forum thread.

    Greg P - UNBELIEVABLE!!! What am amazing reply, thanks so much, you've given me a wealth of information. I have a few questions for you though (and to anyone else who feels they would like to make a contribution):

    I cant promise I won't use more than 2 simeltaneoulsy in the future so I would maybe want to get something with more than two inputs for safeness.

    Ok if USB has these latency problems, which of the other two options are the better one: Firewire or PCI?

    Software drum machine is what I meant anyway, not a hardware one :D.

    Ok, advice on the plug-ins taken into account.

    Will I need a mixer definately? (i guess this also depends on the other options other than hardware already mentioned, i.e. question one and two).

    Thanks for anymore information Greg P and anyone else.

    And thanks once again Greg P, I'm overwhelmed by how much you wrote.

  12. Hi, so what your saying is that the Steinberg Cubase System 4 is a good system that won't be bad quality and won't give me any latency problems (even though I don't know what this is). But people have mentioned latency problems with USB devices for audio work, can anyone explain what latency is and if th eSteinberg system is likely to have these problems. I take it I won't need anymore that four inputs/outputs and the Cubase software is good is it not?

    What is firewire and will this be better than the system mentioned above. Can I get any firewire systems for around the same price as the Steinberg system mentioned above?

    thanks for anymore input and help. Thanks so far for all help.

  13. I can't see myself using more than two tracks simeltaniously. As I said i'm only going to record guitar, then bass and use drumm machine for drum tracks. So I won't need simeltanious tracks. What firewire stuff is there in the price range of the Steinberg Cubase System 4 as that is a MIDI system? Thanks for anymore advice and i'll check out that forum, it looks really good.

  14. Yeah, i'd have to have another hole in my guitar under the bridge for the wires to go down, then a small channel to feed them into the rear control cavity. But thanks for the information. I may cinsider it for something in the future.

  15. Hey guys, this is a copy of my post in a thread i created in the electronics section of the forum. i thought I might get a few more responses from here though.

    Hey guys, as far as I am aware, ther are no other threads to do with this as much as I would like so I thought i'd start a new one. Sorry in advance if there is already these questions answered elsewhere.

    Ok I am wanting to record some tracks with my guitar. Also pu tthe bass down (either using my guitar as bass or borrowing one and drums with drum machine). I was originally thinking of an 8 track along the lines of Boss-864. But then I thought I would consider PC recording.

    I have come accross two systems so far:

    M-Audio Delta 66 (without software included though)

    Steinberg System Cubase System 4 (includes Cubase software)

    I was wanting people's opinions on each of these products and also any other products I should be considering that are within the same sort of budget area s the two above. The Steinberg system looks good and was recommended by a guitar shop here in the UK that I emailed. But thought i'd ask for the advice of people on this forum before making any decisions.

    Thanks guys.

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