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Posts posted by Matia

  1. Hey Has anyone made a stainless scratchplate??? Like out of the old industrial flooring you see plastered to everything these days? I saw the subject about mirrored scratchplates and it got me thinking that it would look really cool on a flying vee copy? So I might have a go... although I'm not sure abt the probs with it being metal? Could it be insulated by painting or covering the back???


  2. Hi brian I'd be interested in getting one of your paddle headstocks uncut off you. I know they cost $40 but can you let me know the cost of shipping to the UK again? My address details will be the same as when I got the logos off you!

    Thanks brian!


  3. Hey all! Well as a few of you know Í've come across quite a bit of Yew timber.. much more than I need. So I have about 7 planks I'm giving away as I need the room for other stuff and dont want them to just sit there for years... The planks are 1.5"x45"x7" approx in size. They weigh 4.7kgs per plank. anyone that wants em just has to pay the shipping for them. I have included a few photos below. I'm using the wood I'm keeping for a tele copy. THe wood polishes really well and is pretty easy to work but is very dense. Let me know guys! Oh by the way I'm acutally gonna be shipping the wood from the UK as I have to go back there to work for a couple of weeks.




    Cheers all! :D

  4. ok I've realised I've bought way too much of this stuff... but then sice I got it all for like 10 pounds who cares right??? Anyways I'm not sure if I can do this ( Brian Please correct me if I'm wrong ) But I have seven boards of this stuff left from what I need... They measure 1.5"x 45"x 7" if any one ways some to experiment with then all they have to do is pay the postage from me to you. Bear in mind I'm in Oz at the moment.... but either way its ur call! Free wood... now if only I was 18 again... ahhhhhh

    anyone wants let me know.! :D


  5. Hey guys... Has anyone ever worked with yew to make a guitar neck? I have bought about seven slabs cos thy were cheap! But the wood is a beautiful colour! So I was wondering if anyone had ever come across it as a material? Usually I build grandfather clocks out of it to sell on but well I thought I might give it a try on a tele copy... Anything I should really look out for?


    P.S If anyone wants pics I'll email you them... still cant figure out how to post pics on this damn thing... STOOPID!

  6. Hello guys! Just wondered if anyone has any experience with the drop d tuners? As in installing them and getting hold of them! Can they be applied to any trem system or do you have to actually buy a dedicated unit? Any info would be appreciated! I'm looking at using one on a floyd type bridge... exact model not known... cost me 10 quid at a swop meet! haha!

  7. Hey guys... long time no speak! Finally got my ass moved to melbourne so I'm settled now... ahem anyways...

    I just finished my hardtail jem copy. I have used a really nice piece of one piece ash for the body and it has a really cool grain to it. So I'm looking at finishing it in a translucent blue with matching headstock. Just wondered what you geys thought the best products / ways to go about this were? I've seen a couple of products on the market so I thought I'd test the water! I want to get a real glass type of finish to it as well... So any help would be much appreciated!



  8. 00460170.jpg

    Ok here is a photo for you... its not actually mine but its the same colour and make... I've finally got the digital camera but no memory card for it... my old one isnt compatible so its next on the shopping list! anyways its an EVH Quilt top wolfgang special in Amber... the only difference is for some reason mine has gold hardware not chrome as shown...

    Its features are... 25 1/2 inch scale, Quilt maple top with hand-detailed faux binding, Solid basswood body, Bolt-on oil finished, hard rock maple neck

    22 frets, Two humbucking pickups designed to Edward Van Halen's specifications, Master volume, 3-way pickup selector, Peavey/Floyd Rose® licensed, double locking tremolo with patented and factory installed D-Tuner™

    I have to say through even the most ordinary anp this bitch rocks!!!!!! B) However I've now removed all but the wiring from the guitar so I can build up the info I'm after... One thing I did notice with this guitar is its one hell of a lot more playable than the Jems... but I cant tell you why... its the strangest thing... like your fave pair of slippers they just fit so well y'know? Anyways hope you likees and as soon as I have the info its yours..

    Cheers!! :D

  9. hello boys and girls! Well today I went mad and bought a Peavey Wolfgang!!! The mrs dosent know yet!!! oops! But anyways I'm in the process of dismantling it so I can get all the sizes and specs to build another one of my own... ( with a few tweaks ).

    I'm then planning on putting the info together in autocad format. This will hopefully include both the body with all routing and neck dimensions when I'm done. So anybody that wants me to email a copy of this when I get it finished just post a message here and in a week or two I should have it in your email for you.

    Brian do you want a copy to post on the site?

    Cheers all!!


  10. hi guys I've just seen the new speedloader by floyd rose... looks like a great idea! Has anyone seen one or played one? I'd like to get my hands on one but dont know if they have even been released as yet! The actual site dosent really confirm it! Does anyone know anywhere other than bugbay that I can get a floyd rose original?



  11. really? I didnt know that they made the ibanez stuff! I was actually just going to use it for a workhorse project that would reliably stay in tune to be honest. I myself do prefer the locking trems but can find it a pain to constantly tune them ( I can be very lazy ). So yeah but thanks for that anyways... I still think I'll get it as it sounds like a bit of a bargain. But no i wouldnt actually be using it for vibrato. Just a fixed bridge.

    Thanks alex :D

  12. Hello! I'd like to get my hands on an old ibanez RG 550 all the way up to Jem neck. So long as its in good condition! Possibly even a seven neck if anyone has one... Actual model isnt really mega important but would help!

    Also I'd like to find a nice Jackson seven neck. any model but again in good condition. I don't mind if they need a bit of work to sort them out thats cool but no major defaults!

    I know I can look on ebay but hey I thought I'd rather give my money to one of you guys first! Anybody who has anything just give me a shout!



  13. I've come across a Gotoh Strat Type trem in a secondhand store today... its boxed and has never been used and the asking price is 20 pounds. Is this a good price for this unit? I was thikning of getting it for a future project but dont really have any experience with Gotoh! Its a nice looking unit though...

    Anyways any help or informations most appreciated as always!



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