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Posts posted by dousty

  1. It was put together and bought from a guy called Vince Sansevere at Huntington Guitars in Coneticut. Body and neck are Allparts products. The excessive beveling is a problem the entire length of the neck apart from the 22nd fret. It was a good price because to buy the guitars in parts here is Aus would cost well over $1k Aus. I paid $500 US for it.

    Emg 81, Afterburner and Grovers would total over $500 alone. Pity about the frets :D

    Here's a shot of the trem and a pic of the guitar.

    Thanks for the help guys.



  2. Thanks for the replies guys!!

    Standard 6 point trem.

    If you look at the 22nd fret you will see the least amount of bevel out of the entire frets. I would like to think that a nut would solve the problem but after taking a look at my other "decent" guitars (which one is an ESP Eclipse CTM-1) I'd have to say there is way too much of a bevel cut into the rest of the frets.

    There is a luither here in Australia called Charles Cilia but damned if I can get his contact details!

    Thanks for the input!

  3. I would wait for a few more responses. There are a number of people here that see right off what the problem is. My guess is the nut, everything about it look off. The low E side looks like it hangs off the neck, the spacing looks messed up, ect. Also, another reason I think it might be the nut is the spacing between the high e and edge of fretboard isn't consistant across the whole neck. It looks alright near the bridge, but up at the nut seems to close to the edge. Should be even throughout. Anyhow, again wait for some more responses before tackling anything, there are some excellent luthiers here that can help you out. Best of luck. J

    Thanks for the response. I think your right, I will wait untill I get a few more opinions although I agree with most of whats been said so far. :D

  4. you could have it re-fretted, and have the edges beveled better (could be a diy job), or make a new nut with the strings closer together. which you do is up to you, but I think by the 2nd picture you need a smaller string spread at the nut.

    Cool thx for the advice. A new nut would be my prefered option for simplicity lol

  5. Hi guys. I'm not a builder but I do like to tinker with guitars. I am hoping one of you wise people could offer me some advice.

    Earlier this year I bought a "strat" from a shop in the USA (I'm Australian). It's pretty hard to get a good apprasial over then net but it looked sound.

    Anyway, once I got it here and gave it a good setup it played fairly well. My problem though is the high sliping off the fret board. It seems to me that the frets have too greater a chamfer un them and that makes the string slid off the board.

    The low E seems to be spaced the same distance from the edge of the board but I dont have the same trouble using it. IThat may well have to do with the different way in which that string is played.

    Here are a few pics that may help the description.

    My question is...what do I do to fix it? I'm guessing a re-cut nut that takes the string way from the edge won;t work and that leaves a re-fret.

    Thanks guys.


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