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Posts posted by Jivin

  1. I get you drak :D

    Maybe im going over the top, but thats why i would never buy a artists signature guitar... like even though he acts like a woman im a big fan of kirk hammett and i think his "caution: hot!" signature ESP is really cool, but i would rather just buy a plain old ESP instead and make it my own, instead of having a guitar which is just a copy of the things kirk did to the guitar to make it his own... if that makes any sense

    cool SRV guitar though! hope it sounds as good as it looks

  2. Hey man dont have a go at me, i was honestly confused, i had heard comments around the place that Shaller make the original floyd rose trems now, and yet still make their own licensed copy, so when you said OFR by Shaller, i wasnt sure what you meant. No only that, but im new to the world of FR trems in general, so i was after a bit of clarification.

    Jeez, no need to blow it out of proportion. But then again... your comments were fair... im a rude, demented young man who uses my very small knowledgebase to pick on every mistake EVERYONE makes on the forum :D

  3. that trem doesnt look like its a full locking one. It must have a locking nut though?

    Yes it has a locking nut, but its only a Single Locking FR style trem. I dont really understand that because I have never owned a gutiar with one before :D

    An explanation wouldnt go astray, although im sure ill find out eventually, and it doesnt really bother me. I bought it over ebay and it arrives end of the week.

    - Dan

    ps: thanks for the comment skibum B)

    edit - ive also decided if i upgrade the pickups i will buy them from that guitarpartsdepot and have my aunt bring them back over here with her when she comes back with my Boss GT6 :D The price difference is just too big to ignore.

  4. Hi,

    Im getting a new superstrat style guitar and after ive gotten used to the thing (its my first superstrat style guitar with a locking trem and those oddly positioned knobs (i usually play LP style guitars :D)), I'll probably be replacing the mightymite pickups.

    I got the thing at a good price, and im happy im going this way, cause like i said its my first guitar in this style, and for the money its a quality instrument i think. the stock pickups arent without their merits though - quite versatile and nice sounding for the money, and both the humbuckers are coil tapped.


    Basically, I would love to put in an EMG 81/85 set in the bridge/neck positions respectively, but its from there i have a few questions.

    1. What should i put in the middle position? Is ther any hard and fast rules that i cant mix active and passive electronics? Ive heard the EMG 'S' single coils are nice, but I would like something that will give me a bit more of a mellow clean sound, as i know the EMG humbuckers im looking at are ultra high output ass kicking pickups, and i am conscious to still being able to pull of a nice clean sound.

    2. What do i get when i buy EMG pickups? I understand i get their quick connect kit, and that includes pots and wires - but would it be feasable to buy the ZW set for the 81/85 then buy the single coil seperately? Or should i get all 3 'seperately' and wind up with extra pots and stuff? B)

    Any advice from peeople with experience here would be appreciated.

    Also actually, can someone tell me how much say an... EMG 81 costs in your area? Here in australia im having a tough time finding one for less than 250AUD (~$180US).

    Thank a lot,

    - Dan

    EDIT - One other big thing: the body of hte guitar is basswood... is that not ideal for EMG pickups like these? That would be an awful shame, but I woudl really like to know :D heh

  5. i downpick most things...and it is only because of the attack it gives...i prefer that sound...

    I don't know if you were tyring to agree with me or not... but that is basically what i meant

    So yea, your right its just practice

    I play puppets fairly close to what Hetfield does... it gives a very similar sound, but not exactly, mainly because he plays the way he plays, and i play the way i play :D

  6. As someone else said, James Hetfield plays almost all downstrokes in most things. I read in an interview he does it for the particular sound it gives, and since I (unlike some of my idiot friends, who think im a maniac) understand that, i tended to beleive him :D

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