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Posts posted by Jivin

  1. That guy has been trying to offload one of his guitars on Aus. Ebay too. His english and knowledge of how to market an expensive guitar was very poor, and to top it off, the guitar looked a bit sus. On the surface it looked great, but some things about it were just weird...like for such an amazing instrument (supposedly) with master craftsmanship, why was there obvious epoxy all around the inlay on the headstock?

    I dunno... but I wouldnt buy one. I'll see if i can dig up the listing.

    - Dan

    Edit: After looking over that website, the guitars there seem much nicer than the one I saw on Ebay...

  2. Damnit! I tried doing a search to see if this had come up before but i found nothing! Ahh well :D

    We all seem to love beating a dead horse here anyway :D I'm fine if a mod wants to close this down now though, its of no real consequence.


    - Dan

  3. I really don't know if this is correct or helpful at all, but if your looking for small things on the cheap, cant you get like some sort of metal baseplate that you put under single coil pickups to give them a bit more oomph? Surely that would be cheap?


    - Dan

    Edit: I had a quick dig to see if I could find what I was thinking of. I didn't really find what I was hoping for, but I did find this: http://www.acmeguitarworks.com/Fralin-Baseplate-P217C0.aspx

  4. and to top it off, the west coast eagles (footy team from his home town) beat the adelaide crows (footy team from my home town) to get into the grand final next week.

    unless he's a fremantle fan that is!!

    btw perry, i'm a port adelaide fan so i'm glad the eagles won  :D

    cheers, and happy birthday

    Ha B)

    As far as I know he is closer to Freo, but from memory he doesn't follow the footy. Makes little difference anyway, because the eagles are going down to the swans next week so I can make some moulah :D

    Happy Birthday Perry; I can't think of a better gift I can give you but the joy you will get from promptly completing and sending me camo :D

    - Dan

  5. Walmart sells guns.  Where have you been man!?

    Anyway, yeah, Walmart.

    I'm not from America :D There are places in the world where the general stores don't sell firearms, beleive it or not :D

    Is Tru-Oil common outside the states? does it go by a different name elsewhere?

    - Dan

  6. I got some of that stuff with my last string order. It's a little bit misleading actually, because with the coated strings like the Elixir's you just throw them on and away you go, and if you wipe them down afer playing they will last ages (well at least that is my experience with acoustic strings), however the Extra String Life bottle stipulates that you need to "use before and after playing for enhanced string life". I did it for a while, but I just couldn't be bothered in the end. Thats most likely just my lazyness, but considering they say its a polymer coating that binds itself to the string or whatever, I was expecting something different. I cannot say I have really noticed a big difference in string life either, from the amount I have applied so far.

    - Dan

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