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Posts posted by Jivin

  1. I think most people here seem to have genuine opinions and I have no problem respecting that, but the reason I cringe a lot of the time when discussions like this come up is because there is too many Americans who are so blindly patriotic that it is almost impossible to talk to them. Drones of the US Government hiding behind the American flag.

    Maybe any country needs its fair share of those people, but gee, it really does make you see what a messed up time we live in.

    - Dan

  2. Hi,

    I have had a Boss GT-6 for some time now, and I quite like it, however soon I will be making the move to an all-tube amp and I plan on using the amplifiers distortion instead of the distortion in the GT-6.

    I would like to run into the amp through the GT-6, but basically just use the GT-6 for the effects and perhaps use the overdrive sometimes, but not the cabinet modelling and that sort of thing. My problem basically is that I cannot seem to get a true bypass patch happening so no matter what I do the GT-6 is always colouring the sound somehow, even if everything is 'off'. This sorta sucks because once ive dialed in a nice distortion on the amp I would just like to be able to use the GT-6 too add things to my sound when I want.

    Eg: i would like to have a bank of 4 patches where #1 is just bypass, #2 adds some reverb, #3 adds wah ect ect. I liked this idea a lot for the GT6, because for each one I could also customise the EQ a bit too, however as I mentioned I just cant seem to get the bypass happening.

    Is this sort of thing even possible? or is it just not something that these units are designed to do?

    Thanks in advance,

    - Dan

  3. i am not trying to make a fool of anyone.that is just honestly what i believe.i have no ill will and i don't really even care.i just find the story to be very flimsy.like judge judy says.."if it doesn't make sense,then it probably isn't the truth".

    i just have a "need" to speak my belief..even if it is not popular

    but i REALLY don't care.i think godin does very nice work,aside from that tuner.i have always been impressed with his originality and craftsmanship...especially at his age.

    when i was that age i didn't even have the patience to build a model car...i didn't calm down enough to build ANYTHING properly until i was about 25 or so.

    i think when godin reaches 25 he will be very,very good indeed.i would like to see a more playable design(better upper fret access,smaller more comfortable looking body...etc)but that is all personal preference anyway.

    Cool Wes... I won't quite say your my hero (:D), but I can appreciate where your coming from now.

    Drak - I seen you give this sort of speech a number of times and I get where your coming from (and I should add, most of the time I think its good that you and Wes are so blunt), but given what you have said here, it seems a bit unfair to apply that line of thinking to Godin just because of some horrible precedents that have come before him. Godin has shown a good deal of humility and patience about his work so far hasn't he? Not to mention his guitar is pretty shmick.

    - Dan

  4. I dont see why there was a need to get confrontational about it. Its really not a big deal at all :D

    Even IF it is a charade, why drag it up? Its such a small issue, and im sure that if he did make an error there, he wont do it again, regardless of whether anyone tries to make a fool of him on these boards.

    - Dan

  5. Sometimes I love them, but sometimes I absolutely hate them. The singing seems to be the deciding factor... sometimes his voice just grates on my ears... 80's metal crossed with the male version of celine dion :D

    - Dan

  6. Maiden: Go here... http://www.jacksonguitars.com/gear/gear.ph...tno=SL1_Soloist and then click on the little '[View]' link to popup the specs window. The compound radius is under the 'Unique Features' section.

    I'm not sure exactly when Jackson started this either, but I know its been at least a few years, because I remember reading the specs on a SL1 a couple of years back and it had a compound radius then too :D

    - Dan

  7. Hey I dont know what your doing PU wise but check out the www.bareknucklepickups.co.uk and look up pictures of the Warpig!! it has a sort of distressed /rusted/badass covers like the rings you have, plus they sound awesome and kick SD,EMG and DM's arse!


    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I already have supplied Perry with a full EMG set for the camo :D

    I am very keen to try out the Bare Knuckle warpigs, however for the time being the price is just way too high for me to consider them at the moment. Also, I am kinda liking the idea of the 'clean' grey look of the EMG's with the camo and the rusted rings... so yeah :D

    thanks though... and also, ive just gotten home from a big day and seen those new pics of camo stage 5... excellent!

    - Dan

  8. I reckon he would wes... but of course thats just a hunch.

    Off topic, but speaking of hetfield off stage, I still cannot beleive that zakk wylde spat at hetfield and told him to "get off my godamn bus" or somesuch... I know it was a while back now... but still!

    Meh, Its probably just a unsubstantiated rumour, but you never know :D

    - Dan

  9. If i had the money I would totally buy one of David's awesome electrics in a heartbeat. They have always been very high on my list of dream guitars... but I am afraid that if there is any justice up for grabs these days then by the time I am able to put in my order he will be far too busy to get me one in my lifetime :D

    I mean... really!


    Bliss! I dont think I would ever be able to decide on what I would get!

    Another fan right here David - Excellent work :D

    - Dan

  10. I will always vote for the guitar I like best, however if a complete amatuer makes a guitar that I think is still pretty awesome, even when pitted against some more experienced people, then they might get some extra brownie points from me.

    So for me its not a matter of handicapping the professionals, its more about giving extra props to true amateurs when they deserve it.

    - Dan

  11. I suspect the pickups themselves will be gunky looking, too.  Like one of those Swineshead models.  :D

    Nope :D

    There is still the black part of the camo to be applied yet as well (for those who arent familiar with the usual 4 tone camo). As expected though, Perry has executed my rusted parts idea excellently! More to come...

    - Dan

  12. Well, thank you all very much for adding to this thread, but I am just so confused that I dont think I will be buying anything any time soon. I understand that I may not find the perfect amp first try, but I really don't have the luxury of being able to spend $1500AU+ on an amp that im not sure of.

    Carvin, Ashdown, Randall, Crate ect.. are all brands that I have heard great things of, but I wont be getting unfortunately, because I cannot find anywhere locally that keeps stock of them (or in the case of crate, they only have the huge stacks). I emailed the only Carvin dealer I could find listed for Australia (3 states away) on the price for the 2x12 all tube carvin combo that has generally good reviews, and the price was pretty good $1600AU, but once again... I cant test it for myself so I would be a bit silly to go out and buy it based on some good reviews.

    Right now, if I get anything, it will probably be the Marshall TSL602 or the Marshall TSL122. Unfortunately I haven't heard those either, however I have heard the TSL 100watt head through a 2x12 stack and it sounded almost as nice as it did through the full 4x12 cabinet, so even though I doubt the speakers in the combo would be as good, I would be willing to take a little leap of faith there i think.

    Problem is, on Harmony Central, as always, there is a large diversity in responses for the TSL series, with a few really scathing reviews saying the speakers are horrible and it is not durable at all...


    Oh, and sepultura, as far as musical style goes, sorry for not clarifying that. I play metal primarily... anything from maiden to shadows fall. But I also pitch in on the guitar for a covers band, so that requires a bit of diversity, but never strays too far from your average rock tunes. I like mucking around with blues tones from my strat, however I wouldnt consider that a huge priorety...

  13. Hi,

    Even though I have been playing for a number of years now, up until recently I wasn't really on the 'tone quest' all that much. I really just wanted to rock, so I did the best I could dialling in a sound that had chug, and I left it (and the clean/blues sounds I use are really just for playing around, and I cant say I was terribly picky with those either...). Lately though I have become increasingly unsatisfied and I think my quest for tone as begun :D

    My current rig is basically just the GT-6 and a Kustom 100W 2x12 solid-state thing. The kustom has done its job OK, but its starting to die prematurely and I think ive outgrown it well and truly anyway.

    I want an amp with balls. I plan on keeping my GT-6 and run it into whatever I get so I can keep the delay, reverb, chorus, noise gate, compression, wah ect ect sounds I have spent many hours creating, however I am not phased on whether or not I keep using it for distortion.

    I am definitely looking for a combo I think, as although I do some stage work, a head/cabinet just wont work for me. I have tried a Marshall DSL601, and it was nice, but I found the distortion to be a bit muddy and undefined when pushed to the limit. I tried a Marshall TSL 100W Head with a 1960's (?) 4x12 cabinet and naturally it was really the stuff... very nice. Are the TSL602/TSL122 combo's in a similar ballpark sound wise? I understand the cabinet has a big effect on sound, as does the actual speakers themselves?

    I also understand that I may not find an amp that nails my sound right out of the box, and im happy to use my GT6 to tweak the EQ and such, and perhaps even overdrive it a touch more... but I am still a bit lost, and I could use some advice from the seasoned guitarists B)

    I also had someone suggest I go with a really great clean valve amp like the Fender Deville (i think thats it) and just rely on the GT-6 for the sounds? I tried that in a guitar store and it was cool I guess... but something about that idea just doesnt sit right with me... as much as I dont have any really logical objections, I sort of want an amp that can hold its own you know?

    Ahrg! I apologise at how much of a mess this post is, but I think it reflects how confused I am :D I am in need of guidance, and I thought this would be a good place to ask, since I know for sure there are people here who are truly masters of this domain :D

    Thanks in advance!

    - Dan

  14. Only reason I didnt vote the Impaler is because although I loved the initial shape drawings and the execution, I just thought it looked a bit squishy in the end and the headstock sorta didnt do any justice to the evilness of the rest of it :D

    Just my humble opinion, and not having anything of my own to show off I understand it doesn't hold much weight... but yeah :D

    If it was a 6 string with possibly a more insane headstock, it would have had my vote - even over the ormsby.

    - Dan

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