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Posts posted by Jivin

  1. The guy that does the product demonstrations for the guitar on this site... its just amazing... I cant even gather the words to describe him, its THAT GOOD. You'd best just check it out for yourself:


    I've been saving his videos on my computer to cheer me up, and beleive me there is some real gems. Oh and I love his accent and the dynamics in the way he speaks too... a fully bound maple NECK thats set in for ultimate RESONANCE!

    - Dan

  2. The one I played in store wasnt the custom, it was just a standard with a tobacco burst maple top. The one im putting my deposit on is the custom model, because I love the koa B) I'm not entirely sure how long I will have to wait, but it will be a month or so until I can entirely pay it off.

    Nice buy! Now I want to hear you play it like Doyle Dykes in the T5 video!  :D

    Uhh yeah... i'll have to get back to you on that one :D

    - Dan

  3. Today I think I played two of the best guitars I have ever played in my life!

    Was shopping for a new combo amp (which is another story in itself) and decided to take a trip up to the acoustic room in a guitar shop in town, and I ended up picking up a Taylor acoustic... roughly $6000AU I think it was, and OH MY GOD... it was like heaven in a guitar.

    If you had asked me 8 years ago if I ever thought I would say "yes this guitar is worth 6 thousand dollars" I would have laughed at you, but this guitar was just extraordinary! It had this beautifully balanced sound... very sparkling in the high end, but it had the most amazing bass response I have heard in an acoustic... it was magical! I think it was flamed maple for back and sides and spruce for the top.

    AND THEN as if that wasnt enough, the very day after I had been drooling over that T5 marksound had posted about, there it was.... shining like a beacon of light in the corner... the first one the shop had received. It was absolutely exquisite! They had it set up going into a A/B box and into an electric and acoustic amp, and through both it was amazing, and the amount of different sounds you can coax from just the "one" pickup in it was just so cool and to top it off it played as smooth as a babies bottom :D

    Next week I am putting a deposit on a T5 Custom with the Koa top...


    In the words of Arnie.... "can you beleive how much I am in heaven?"


    - Dan

    EDIT - Arrr man, amidst all the excitement I made a boo boo in the thread title... if a mod is feeling generous... could you fix it up please B)

  4. Someone here with more knowledge will definitely be able to answer your question, but I since I am the first to respond, you should know its actually "Truss Rod", not "Thrust Rod" :D

    From my knowledge too, the truss rod is meant for only the neck. If your buying a premade neck though with the truss rod in it (which would be the way you would expect it to be done...) then aside from making adjustments to it when you do your setup, you shouldn't need to worry about it.

    - Dan

  5. One thing that always baffles me with promo photos like this..... why would you put a guitar down on little rocks like that? :D

    I know generally lacquer isnt THAT weak, but I mean it still wouldnt take much to leave a lot of tiny little scratches in your freshly buffed perfect finish B)

    - Dan

    PS: Greg, I hate you for posting this :D You've only made me feel even worse about the chunky heel on the warmoth guitar im assembling :D lol

  6. Indeed! This will certainly be my... weapon of choice? :D MUAHAH

    All up it cost $2110AU including pickups, which makes it far and away THE best choice I could have possibly made as far as buying myself a top quality guitar in this style.

    I do beleive however, that Perry has amped up his prices since then, and rightly so.

    - Dan

  7. Damn, i love that style headstock so damn much, my next projectjust so happens to be a strat style thing with a ESPish headstock.

    Im looking forward to the GOTM post!

    Thanks dude!

    Yeah, I basically told Perry I was after a sort of hybrid between the droopyness of the jackson and the esp style 'upwards point'. I did up some rough stuff for it, but it turned out we both had similar ideas for it, and I have to say, I love what Perry has created in the end... very much so :D

    Oh, it will also have a compensated nut, handcut by the master himself :D

    I wont say anything else, I swear! There some really awesome ideas we have been talking about though, and there is some secret stuff that even I will have to wait until GOTM to find out about too B)

    - Dan

  8. I hope you realise that I for one (along with many others here), understand your situation and that of your fellow luthiers why you charge what you do. 

    My comments were related specifically to my experience with that particular shop, and I will defend those comments to the death if need be, becuase that shop is the spawn of the devil :D

    - Dan

    Maybe its time to reveal the camo weapon of mass destruction on them?

    Oh yes!


  9. Cmon wes, you gotta admit, Black album still had a chug! it just had more bass :D

    lol - please dont kill me :D

    I should quickly add though, Justice was without a shadow of a doubt the pinnacle for me... but I would say I still enjoyed the black album... which on the whole is probably more than I could say for the albums that followed. Yes it was definitely less technically proficient, no arguments there, but it still had some good riffs and a good amount of chunk B) Holier than Thou is still one of my favorite songs to crank out, and its always goes down well even with metal fans who hate the album :D

    I agree with your metal turning into hard rock statement though wes, and given that viewpoint, I can totally see where you are coming from.

    - Dan

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