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Posts posted by Lavidicus

  1. woah, good point there brian. thanks. I read that myka neck pocket jig page, and it says he uses a 3° angle. I've been looking at my brothers les paul and I'm thinking I'll need something similar.

    I never had plans to begin with, by the way. From day one I've been committing everything to memory or improvising and to tell the truth, it really hasn't phased me.

    in construction, I'm hoping to have essentially a flat-top les paul, but not a les paul shape, and i'm using a strat neck for it so I'll probably do like that warmoth, only the contour of the heel won't go into the mount area, so it'll contour back into the main body.

    I'll bust out the ruler when I get back from work tonight and give you some measurements, then use that cos/sin/tan bullshit if I still remember it with the 3° factor to find out what measurement i need etc.

    thanks guys.

  2. Hi, I've got a question about the gotoh stop tail piece and tune-o-matic bridge.

    Should I be worried that my hardware is contoured for a curved-top guitar if I have a flat-top guitar?

    Also, I kept my body at 50mm thick. Will I have problems with neck mounting if I'm using a stratocaster neck, like, am I going to have to cut the back of the body out so that the neck and body make the required thickness without changing the neck position and still maintaining the body thickness? or do I just use do it as per usual, but have a longer distance from the mount plate to the neck?

    and and and, any tips on how to get a perfectly straight neck cavity?

  3. Hey, I bought two golden age humbuckers from stewart macdonalds, but it'll be a while before I install or hear them. could I please get some opinions on the sound and quality of them?

    If not, do you know of anywhere I can hear them, like a site with mp3s of the sound?


  4. Gday PG, nice to be a part of the site. I'm new to basically everything in the way of creating a guitar, but I've been teaching myself electric for 3 years or so. I'm 17, and I embarked on a project a few weeks ago for school/art. got 1000 x 300 x 50 of african mahogany. I've cut the pieces to length and width, and I've got them sitting in the woodwork room ready to go, but I don't know what to use to join the two pieces. The second piece is an offset piece, by which the neck mounts to the solid piece, not on the join line.

    anyway, I've got a few questions for you:

    How am I getting the matching edges perfectly even and flat?

    What bonding adhesive should I use?

    What is involved with painting i.e. materials, alternatives, custom designs (I want lots and lots and lots of smiley faces)?

    I've got more, but I'll add them later, as well as my buy list from Stewart MacDonalds :D

    Thanks guys,


    P.S. I'm in Australia.

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