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Posts posted by tsl602000

  1. Jeff,

    I'll be frank with you, I don't like your work. To me it looks like you're trying to invent the wheel again with your body shapes. Nothing wrong with some personal touch, but you're taking it over the top.

    I agree with others that you seem to settle for "good enough" and that mind set will get you nowhere.

    I realize this post would be a slam unless I'd offer you some advice: Why don't you concentrate on building one guitar the right way? Concentrate on one project at a time and be determined to do it right. Take your time to get each detail in the building process right and accept nothing less than the best you can do.

    Copy a shape you really like and make/buy a template, that way you'll get way cleaner results.

    I know what I'm talking about. My first guitar came out really good, then I wanted to build build and build and noticed my work got sloppier untill I reached I point where I realized I should concentrate on one project and give everything to make that guitar the best I can.

    I'm not a pro builder by any means. I still make alot of mistakes and to be honest, my guitars are just copies of ancient designs.

    I'm a professional working musician. making guitars is just a hobby, but I reached a level where I can say that my guitars are better than the factory built guitars, simply because I prefer to play my guitars rather than the factory guitars I own. That's not an ego thing. I just can't afford to play a pos.

    This is a forum where alot of people haven't built a guitar and go "oooh!! that's awesome" with every guitar they see. It really doesn't help you alot. You really should pay attention to the people who criticize your work, because criticism will make you better. It will make you think, even though it might piss you off in the first place.

    When I release a new album, I always pay attention to the bad reviews more than the raving ones, because the bad reviews usually point towards a weak point. I learn from that and try to do it better the next time. 90% of the time, the criticasters were right anyway.....

    Making guitars is not rocket science. I'm sure you can do alot better if you'd concentrate on one guitar and give it your best. pay a little more attention to detail and I'm sure it'll come out just great.

    Good luck!

  2. I'm building a bass guitar for a customer and he wants me to copy the finish of an old Hofner Jazz guitar.

    I was wondering if anyone could provide me with some info on how to do this. I have no spray equipment so I kinda figured I'd do it with dye. This looks like a Tobacco sunburst to me...



  3. I used a red maple neck blank once. I looked all perfect untill I glued the fretboard on and the whole thing develloped a nasty twist.

    Maybe you're lucky and you end up with having a neck that might do the job, but from personal experience, I definately say NO to red/soft maple as a neck.

  4. This was recorded live at a gig through a mixer by the organisers who don't have a clue about mixing music so please bear the 'less than satisfactory' mix..

    I just listened to a recording from the board of a gig we did last weekend and never knew how bad my band could sound.... :D

    I guess it's a pre-fader output they hook the recorder on.

    There's was a recording on video equipment too(I'll get a DVD from the gig) and that sounded pretty damn good from I've heard.

    My point: It might've sounded pretty good in the front..... B)

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