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Posts posted by tsl602000

  1. I think he's pretty damn good for someone who plays for one month. Keep it up.

    And you projectgongshow, one day in the future after you get home early because McDonalds fired you, you might turn on the TV and see this incredible guitar player Dan the Man, who kept practising and never gave up, no matter what ugly things people like you say...

    You have to keep in mind that there's a lot of teenagers on this forum. There's a few retards among them, but most of 'm are pretty cool.

    They really don't need comments and bashing from someone like you. A little encouragement could make one's day...

  2. well, the words logic and intuitive really don't go together in one sentence.

    Anyway, have you actually used Nuendo, Greg? I agree it's overkill for a hobby home recording studio, but it's my choice as front end for my studio.

    I recorded an entire CD in Nuendo and at this point I feel the zero latency group buss routing justifies it's price tag

  3. If it was my world radio shack amps, strats, p-basses, squires would be illegal.

    Those guitars would be used as firewood, ibenez, carvin, jackson, gibson, and all the others would be king, not some cheezy red with white fender strat with noise and feeback creating single coil pickups.

    If it was my world I'd have you lick the strings on my strat clean after every gig. Maybe I'd give you an ibenez guitar to practise though.

    stupid people with passive electronics thinking that it sounds better would have there ears adjusted.

    I guess the only one stupid is you. We really don't need another strong opinionated teenage d**kh**d who tells us what we should play or not.

    Your immature reply showed us that your opinion is as valuable as your ability to correctly spell the brand Ibanez.

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