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Posts posted by tropicalorange

  1. im currently stripping a body and i used this stuff called "circa" i believe...well thats the brand name of it. its a spray on everything remover. used for furniture...its about $5 canadian...i sprayed it on. let sit for a few minutes and use a paint scraper it stripes right down to the primer with great ease...alot easier than id imagine stright sanding to be. i didnt completely strip the body with one can though...you'll need two

    hope this helps a bit!

    ps. you can get it at your local hardware store.


    this stuff is potent. read and re-read the instructions. youll need a respirator mask (a small gas mask) eye protention. chemical gloves...the works. you dont want this stuff on or in you.haha

  2. my friends moving and he dug out this Yamaha Eg112 electric that he'd painted all over and just generally destroyed...not to mention he removed the frets and attempted the infamous fret-less guitar but was unsucessful and returned the fret bars. ANYWAY! i recently bought a 20 year old ibanez and its a godess if anything and i want to restore this yamaha and modify it to be more like an ibanez. so first im stripping the body (in progess) and i want to experiment with a nice siwrl finish on it. i need to reshape the body and was curious if there are any ibanez body plans out there i can print off and trace onto the yamaha body. im also going to attempt to thin the neck out a bit. i could care less if it snaps....the things a piece of crap anyway. haha. as for thinning is it worth buying a spokeshave for or should i stick to 40 grit sandpaper (or 60 grit...i have a good collection of sandpaper). one last this. any advice for swirl finishing a guitar? i recently build a "telecaster" and want to swirl it.

    thanks for reading!

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