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Posts posted by Kenny

  1. well, i figure people make very nice custom guitars here

    but after searching i found NO information on custom cases..

    there is the 1 pinned tutorial, but im talking about custom fit cases like a case that comes with a lespaul

    or an RG

    what type of foam? if it is even foam is used

    any ideas?

    maybe even useful tutorials :D?

    because lets face it

    a great guitar deserves a great case:-p

  2. regarding the fretsaws

    LMI has a japanese saw that is supposed to be very good, i know it was mentioned somewhere else on the board, but FWIW id go with the sheffeild england one,,,and a depth stop is always nice to have :D

    EDIT: also about purple heart i was going to make a purple heart acoustic, but i resawed a peice from my billet and it went **** brown. 6 months later and its still pretty brown, so i dont know what im gonna do with it....the outsides still purple as hell though.

  3. Alright here it goes, im going to try and say this as clearly as i can:

    I mapped out my new fretboard with a certain taper (x for funs sake) this fretboard also has fanned frets measured directly on the distance of taper X....because im told this is the most accurate way, from many sources

    after this was done i proceeded to find ratios between the nut width and bridge with on my favorite guitar. i then found saddles that give me a close ratio for nut/bridge width

    i ordered these saddles got accurate measurements and layed them out on cad allowing for adjustment on my bridge.

    now heres the problem i face. i did this formula.

    2(distance to edge of board)+thicknesses of all string guages = Y

    then subtracted "y" from width at nut and proceeded to divide by 6 (since its a 7 string guitar and there are 6 gaps)

    now i found otherways to do this, but i didnt get any that put my 4th string on the center line. this method woked

    and gave me an even

    string spacing, and compensated for the string guage. but heres my question.

    the spacing on the 7th stirng to the edge of the fretboard is about 1mm less than it is supposed to be. which is fine by mebecuase it still leaves a comfortable distance. andthe 1st string is right aobut where it should be.

    but i was wondering i measured to taper on my fretboard according to a 3.5mm gap to edge of fretboard and im shy of that mark. normally i wouldnt be concerned but i am wondering will this cause me to be able not to get accurate intonation from my fanned freboard?

    is it even significant that there is this discrepency in spacing to the edge (REMEMBER, FANNED FRETBOARD MEASURED ON THE TAPER)

    maybe someone here could shed light?

    :D :D


  4. stringspacingquestionyn7.jpg


    this is what im doing im attempting to mark out even gap spacing between my strings (compensating for string guage) on this fretboard. but i dont know how to really go about it

    one idea is add the string guages together, add the spacing frrom edge of the fretboards and divide by 7. but im not sure

    and i thought before i blew off and hour or 2 doing calculations that i would come to you guys for advice, suggestions

    also ehre are some random specs if someone wants to get into specifics

    String guages

    from thin to thick in mm

    .2286 .2794 .4064 .6096 .8128 1.0668 1.3208

    width at the horizontal equivilent of my nut - 48.72mm

    spacing to edge of fretboard - 3.5mm

    any ideas?

    Kenny :D

  5. well. im in the process of borrowing a table saw, planer, mider saw, stationary router, and other misc tools.

    but heres the thing, im 17 years old and i used to do all my work at the school i go to, but i recently got kicked out becuase they found out i never took the class :-p, (nor can i, i have 5 months of school left)

    so i have no access to a band saw. it would take me a while (2 months) to save up for the

    Jet 18" 1hp bandsaw that i am intrested in

    what is everyones opinion on what i could do

    any suggestions? :D

  6. alright

    this decision was fairly difficult for me, but this is what i chose and why

    i voted the the G1 bass becuase i love the combinations of wood and the shape. the colors just seem to compliment eachother in very elegant simplicity. the bindings on the fretboard go well with the inlay which it seems the fretboard was made for. all the other builds were very cool, just not my thing

    i love the natural beauty of wood, and what you can do with it. and it looks like you did a great job!

    keep up the great work guys!

  7. i can still get a credit towards another purchace :-p he said "if resawing it doesnt work out for you, you can have a credit towards another peice of lumber"

    so i will wait a while for it to dry. i might look into having it kiln dried, but im not sure what that entails. either way i think i made a good move cutting it.

  8. i think it might have been becuase it came from oregon, where its very cold to sandiego where it very warm

    and we were having a big rainstorm at the time. so far the wood seems stable, i just cut it and it didnt warp at all, i havent seen any signs of movment, but i will end up making the fretboard before i touch the top i guess, just to let it time to...stabalize and become acclimated

  9. Nice choice... even though I would have just left the knots. Unique is one reason we build.

    i could see your point there, and i love the figure around the knots

    but a problem i have is that there are bug holes right next to the knots that arent very visable. 1 large one on each side, and i would ahve to fill them and make it not look very visable

  10. Jmrentis - thanks for the offer man, im gonna look around and see where i can work cause i gotta get this stuff done. my very good pal lived in point loma aswell, im looking into borrowing or buying his equipment, since i am very good friends with his wife aswell

    everyone else - IS NOBODY GONNA COMMENT ON MY TOP!



  11. i think i chose combination A of tops

    but another problem, i ahve nowhere to do my working since i got kicked out of the wood shop at my school, and my very good friend who would let me use his shop recently passed. does anyone use shops other than at their houses?


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