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Posts posted by Kenny

  1. picture301zw9.jpg




    this is one of the projects i have going ATM; i have a top secret one ill post when its completed, but this is one thats nearing completion

    All wenge detail (including but not limited to: TR cover, Fretboard, Scarf and Neck laminations, Kaye inlay, bridge (not including base plate), and knobs)

    hond. mahogany body and neck.

    Sherman style neckjoint; Sorbera/Pederson scarf detail

    i apologize for the messy room! its been raining (i don't know what that has to do with it) and ive been very lethargic im thinking about just a tru-oil finish nothing fancy

    what do you guys think?


  2. hot looking V

    quick question, how do you route your neck pockets? i usually do the myka method, but i dont know how to do it when its an extended joint (like you did)

    the one thing that im not to fond of is the neck heel, i think with some more refining it could be much better

    other than that, super nice guitar!


  3. Chuck! good to have you on the forum! guitar building...according to the DEA is more addictive than heroin...so beware. you might find yourself spending all your spare money on parts and equipment, then reminisce a few years and realize that you have a wood shop in your garage equipt to the hilt with the best instrument making equipment

    lots of friendly people here, so if you need any help, opinions (there are lots of those!) or ideas, you know where to look!


  4. hahah...thats funny :-p

    i was talking about just a glass board...thats no problem, now that i know glass can be sanded, but ideally i would want titanium, in the next few weeks im going to be going around various mills to see if that have some scrap sheet titanium i could snag, or buy i dont want to spend 120 for a sheet thats 3x larger than i need...

  5. i really should have specified what i was doing more

    i was originally going to build a fretless guitar with a glass neck, however i couldn't find anyone willing to cut and round the glass for me (its to "small" a project i guess)

    the reason i didn't want to use wood for the fretboard was in my experience(especially the half fretless guitar i made...bad idea) it seemed to have a very dampened tone(fwiw it was an ebony fretboard) .

    i would say 1 metal is more resonant than another metal just the same way i would judge woods. some woods are just better than others at transmitting vibrations (same reason people use spruce instead of purple heart as acoustic guitar tops in my mind) so id imagine that the same could be applied to metals

    i'm assuming that the different crystalline structures of different metals would lend itself to the metal being able to transfer vibrations better than others.

    my knowledge of metallurgy is very limited but i did look to instruments like the hang and steel drums., which are just pieces of steel that are vibrating... so its related in principle(sort of)

    id imagine that softer metals like aluminum nickel or copper would have a much looser crystalline structure than that of steel titanium or even iron. However, im just making this inference from guitar frets. Stainless steel frets are very "bright" sounding, as apposed to the "nickel-silver" (an alloy containing aluminum copper and 15% nickel) frets which absorb more of the vibrations of the string

    i dont know where im rambling on to, i love the sound that the vigers surfretter produces, they should tell me what thier "delta metal" is :D

  6. hello

    i don't think there are many explicitly stated tutorials but my advice would be search neckthru builds (there are tons, including one of my own - see sig)

    and try to learn from the pictures; its very straight forward, but if you have more specific questions and don't find them with search wed be more than happy to help!

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