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Posts posted by Kenny

  1. well, my excuse is...my girlfriend made me do it. im voting for andy's though becuase i like his more than my own

    This guitar is called the Kaye Sol (as in sun for those non spanish speakers)


    Neck - Hard Maple

    Fretboard - Pauferro (i found out im allergic halfway through), jumbo frets, fret ends completly rounded over (ball ends?)

    Bridge - Hand Made Pau ferro / ebony lamination

    Body - 1 peice Hond. Mahagony

    Top - Quilted Maple cap/ with matching headstock cap

    Pickups - my personal favorite, Duncan Distortions

    Misc - MOP Headstock Inlay, ebony jack plate, Pau Ferro TR cover, Sperzel locking tuners

    This guitar was purchaced halfway through the building process, the lady who bought it didnt want it stained, and said "Make it look like i want to touch it" being slightly offended (and paranoid about my sharp edges) i got my rasp out and rounded everything except the headstock.

    Just a standard oil finish with a coat of black bison wax to protect against unwanted moisture





    Neck joint and heel

    Handmade Bridge and Jackplate

    Better headstock and neck picture

    Build Thread

    Sound Clips

    Uploaded through 2shared.com, for your listening pleasure

    Bridge Distorted

    Bridge Strumming Clean

    Neck Clean Legato runs

    Middle Clean

    Noodling around with harmonics clean

    Neck Clean

    Neck Distorted Metal \.m./

    Me shredding; Neck

    Thanks To Mike Rougirello for the the soundclips (minus the last one)


  2. well, i dont know if i should enter it, i really like the guitar with the goldleaf, and i dont want to have to compete against andy :-p if i do enter it im voting for his :-p

    anyways, i shaped the heal with the neck unattatched / the neck isnt warped, the pickup height is just uneven :-p and i shaped the body with a rasp...theres gotta be an easier way!


  3. well, i dont know if i would agree

    there are some luthiers out there who are trying to compete with the large brands :-p

    hense me

    my bolt on electrics (fairly standard, no fancy top wood, mahog body and maple neck) start at 899

    naturally im not paying myself much, but i feel that guitars are works of art that everyone sould enjoy

    then again, i dont think ive ever been refered to as a "luthier" let alone a well known one :-p

  4. realistically there isnt much benifit of a properly done bolt on over a set neck (tonally speaking, ease of repair is a differnt story)

    with that being said i couldnt really imagine why you would want to convert into a set neck....but if you were going to, its fairly easily done.

    i personally wouldnt though.

  5. discolorationslh0.jpg

    this is a Hond. mahag body and was prepping it for finishing and i ran into some pretty nasty green/blue/black discolorations.

    i read up on it and from what i could tell its probably fungi? gah

    anyways anyone have any tips on how to get rid of this?


    EDIT/UPDATE: i mixed a gentle bleach solution and tried it on a peice of scrap....it only seemed to accentuate the problem. i have some A/B bleach aswell but i dont even wanna try that

    i really wanted the contrast between the colored top, the maple and the mahagony, but maybe i should paint the body :-\?

  6. well, just got in my adapter collet and routeed out neck pocket on guitar 1

    still waitting to glue the top on guitar 2, so i think ill make pickup templates for them

    anyways heres some pics, btw it passes perry's test :D




    i did have a real hard time lining it up with the glue joint on the top as the centre line, but i did mark where the guides for my router went so getting a centre line for the neck is no issue, but how do you guys line the neck up? (just for convieniencies sake, becuase i dont want guitar 2 to have the same issue


  7. well, seems like you need a google lesson

    becuase it should be fairly easy to find info on an entire trade/art


    then type woodworking

    you should have an unlimited amount of info

    just some digging and you will find what your looking for; i know because ive seen it before :D

  8. I am thrilled to announce that I am now taking orders for the fixed bridge version of the "EGS: Ergonomic Guitar System"! Please watch my homepage and this site for more info about the tremolo version.

    Here is a mock-up of the bridge, with only three strings. It is sold individually and priced per string, so you can do 6-, 7-, 8-string instruments or mixed scale guitars.


    The string lock, by popular demand! See my home page for more info. This mock-up shows it mounted in three alternative ways.


    how much? :D

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