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Posts posted by asm

  1. hey all! im new to the boards, looks like alot of knowledgeable people around here so i have a few questions.

    i plan on building a 'different' guitar in the near future. originally i planned on a 8 or possibly a 9 string jazz style but use it for more experimental sounds rather than obvious use. then the problem arose with pickups and having to get custom made ones or pay 300$+ a piece, :D

    so i figured id go with a 'somewhat' easier guitar.

    heres what i have in mind:

    a 7 string baritone

    -low A tunings and maybe even get down to G

    -emg pickups

    -neck thru

    -string thru body setup

    im thinking about copying a warmoth 7 baritone for a set size and stuff. they use a 28 5/8" scale. found here:


    neck construction, im thinking will be lignum vitae middle strip and wenge sides. any opinions on that?

    wings will be either claro walnut or wenge and top will definately be figured claro walnut.

    on the bridge i was thinking maybe a roller bridge?


    but they probably dont make that in a 7, soooo... a standard tune-o-matic would be fine.

    oh, and the body something similar to this:


    so heres the questions....

    question 1- will i have problems with a certain bridge on the carved top body?

    question 2- i plan on using the string-thru body design, why do some companies use different anchoring methods? im lost on this one.heres what im talking about:



    staggered anchored:


    slant anchored: (probably because of fanned frets?)


    can anyone shed some light why people do different styles? and which one is best?

    also, what determines if you should put the neck pocket at an angle, and what angle it is?

    thanks for any help guys. i hope i/someone else can get some use out of this too!


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