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Posts posted by Jeremy

  1. a buddy of mine had bought some saga pickups that someone had sold to him because they wanted texmex pus in thier saga kit, he bought them because he had a mexi strat that had everything but the pickups and i thought they sounded pretty good, my lazy ears have never really been able to tell the differences in pickups anyhow, my amp settings pretty much stay right where they are and im just like oh well, but anyhow, i would think for cost of a squier, plus i have never once in my life played a squier off the shelf that IMHO was setup perfect in that by the time you either setup yourself or paid the shop to do it you would be better off bolting together your own kit and learning how to setup your own instrument to your tastes, i finally a few years ago started to attempt setting up my own gear and have found that i enjoy it very much, i have a light touch and love to play with eights so my setups are not quite the norm but fenders are buzzy anyhow to me at least and in building your own kit you can experiment with different string sets and sizes etc... and find your own combo that works well for you, thats what i would suggest

  2. on that red olp, what is exactly required to make it a playable bass, i mean what other than a bridge would be needed??? and do you have a better pic of these so called cheesy decals??? i would be interested in the instrument if you still have it

    off hand, 150 bucks give or take, if still available lemme know

  3. on my new fretless jazz that i just bought im having trouble with the vloume and popping/crackling of the electronics, im not too sure if its the pots themselves or if its the plug jack, i have tried several combos of cords and amps and verified its the same symptoms no matter what so it must be in the bass instead of the cord or amps, i even bought another brand new cord just to be sure, so with that being eliminated i need to now look at the bass, any suggestions of what i should be looking for behind the chrome plate, anyone point me to potential trouble points? previous owner had put lace sensor pickups in it so i have no idea if the control part of the wiring is original or if theres anything different now



    oh yea i get change of volume by messing with the tone pot and sometimes just bumping or jiggling the chord plug, also it gets louder then quieter with the vols too, so im thinking its something else loose and not just the pots, anyhow, i thought i should add that

  4. I agree with him, the MM style of the high E on the bottom would be cool, but if you have to choose from the other I would suggest the key being at the tip instead of at the bottom, I would suggest if you chose the MM idea, I would also bring the B as well so its more like an axis or something, but again, you may not want to cut on the head anymore so its your call, good luck



  5. just read all the 20 pages etc.... i would like to help you out man, (Jehle) that is, I cant afford much but PM me and Address and Ill mail you a check for a small amount of money to help you some. It wont be much but maybe it will buy you and your wife a nice dinner or something. To take your mind off your troubles for an evening, or could cover the cost of a book of stamps or 2 as Im sure you went through quite a few so far. Anyhow, just PM me with an address and Ill send you a little something. I want too. I know court costs just plain suck and it blows because you shouldnt have even had to screw with it in the first place.



  6. Kramers USED to be made by ESP in the 80's i think. Im pretty sure ESP isent owned by Gibson or anyone. Seeing as their based in Japan, and no have american factorys. But i remember when ESP did some Strat copies, so it would interesting if Gibson owned ESP

    i remember when kramer did some strat copies too, with the strat peghead and were sued for it, hell they all are copy catting each other, its kinda funny, because no one here has mentioned one name im sure you wall know, yea thats right boys and girls, its SAMICK, hell its ironic, those korean guys at samick have been producing all these guitars for years, under licensces for gibson, fender, etc..... if it says made in korea, its probably made by samick, in fact its funny a friend of mine once showed me an article with a photo showing epis and squiers being made in the same factory side by side, i thought it to be funny, anyhow just my 2 and half cents to this thread

  7. hey all, i just got my new fretless jazz bass, my question is theres a little copper strip of metal that runs between the fender lace sensor pickup and the bridge of the bass, i have never seen that strip before on any of the other jazz basses that i have owned and or had access too before, also never had lace sensors before, whats the benefit of those pickups?

    i just bought the bass because i wanted the fretless neck, wondering if i should just leave those pickups in there or not, was thinking of upgrading but apparently someone had already done so



    ps is someone can gimme a place to host a pic or 2 ill post them if needbe

  8. if you can you might want to find out about the internal wiring etc... i actually thought of something, finding a mark hoppus pickguard might be kinda hard, you will most likely have to custom make one and or buy a mexican made squier series for the pickguard, they used a similar pickguard to the hoppus one which used no chrome control plate, however there would be two additional tone control holes in it, just and idea, you could always put those two holes to good use and add something else to the electronics, who knows, personally i would go for the single pickup and vol control rear routed and elimante the pickguard all together, so many possibilities, have fun with it

  9. i was just debating refretting a bass i was considering on ebay, but i didnt go through with it, someone on here suggested a refret kit from a company called stewart mc donald that seemed pretty nice, you might want to check into that, im sure someone around here could give you more info on it

    best of luck to ya

  10. oh yea, i definately agree, i love the J bass neck, much easier on the hand after a few hours, much more comfortable, that mark bass is nice though, i like the simplicty of one pickup and one volume, very nice and that pickup is a meaty one too, the jazz body IMHO is also much more comfortable with the off set waist, so again, its all about personal preferences, good luck with the descion, have fun with it

  11. talked to soapbarstrat, he said in his opinion he would not do the job because of the jig he uses and the fact this neck has no frets, so im deciding to opt out of it and not buy the guitar after all, thanks for all the suggestions guys

    appreciate it, take care, good luck with all the projects and have a great day



    someone please close this and the other thread


  12. yea im open to anything, thats why i started looking on the net to see if it was something i could maybe do on my own, but i doubt i could pull it off, i dont have the tools or the shop to do it in, yea sure, sorry im rather new around here, who is this again???

    and mind you i dont have this bass yet, guy said he would give me till Fri to decide, hes being really nice about it

    edit silly me, you gave me a link


  13. Hi all, I have always wanted a fretless bass. I thought it would be a nice thing to have and I want to train my ears better. I was bidding on Ebay and low and behold I wound up winning 2 auctions. One bass is a Japanese Fender Jazz Bass without fret lines. Just a beautiful Rosewood neck with no lines and or Dot markers anywhere. I love the way it looks so Im 99 percent sure Im going to be keeping that one. The other one I had hoped someone would outbid me but on but no one did so I wind up winning both. Ok here is a Link to the one I want to inquire about refretting. I have read the tutorials and I just dont think I am quite ready to try and tackle something like this. First off the man is being super nice about this auction. He says its not something he needs to sell right away, hes giving me time to read up on refretting, etc... or to find out if someone would be willing to do it for me. I am not sure if I should go ahead and buy this bass and try to have it refretted or just get another bass with frets. So thats what brought me here. Ok, first off do you guys think its a good enough deal as is to try and get refretted. I dont need a third bass, but I did like the way it looked. Secondly, without having it in hand to look at, can you tell in the picutre if it looks like an easy job or not. Thirdly, I know I dont have access to the tools and a shop to do this, would anyone on here be willing to do the job and or point me in the right direction to find someone. And finally, how much does a refret run, or more importantly, If im asking quotes what would be a fair quote. Thanks for any and all advice up front, and feel free to add anything else that I might have not known to ask. I would appreciate it. If it can be refretted for a reasonable cost I dont want to opt out of this bass, Im just thankful the guy is a good ebayer and giving me that option to find out about all of this.



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