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Posts posted by Dean

  1. We do not need you to play 'Defender of the Tragically Oppressed'.

    What does this mean??A guy gave a way to do veneer and you shot it down for whatever reason and now calling him (Tragically Oppressed' ) ,AND WHO IS WE ?? Far as I see,it is only you.You did not like him for giving a answer and you have a problem with me for not giving a answer.What's it going to be ??You did not even give a response as to the guitar posted,is the veneer good enough for you.If not who cares then.Again this is a forum,and I will Defend the Tragically Oppressed ,I guess,soon as I find out what that means.It is only my second veneer job,so mite not meet standards.As I have stated in other post I do not do things the way alot of people do,I just do it my way and if it works it works.And I don't want someone to think I have the answers,because there is more ways to do too many things.I will say that for being my second build ,I have had some pretty knowing guys say I have done a good job.At the end of the day that's all that matters.

  2. Hey Dean.

    If you're going to bother to step up to the plate, don't just spit and bunt one hoping for a single, take a full man-size swing and swing for the stands and bring everyone home. :D


    Show us a few -closeups- of your finished guitar (those pics don't show a finished guitar unless I'm mistaken)

    Explain your process from beginning to end

    Explain the specific products and tools you used and why you used them

    Explain what problems, if any, you encountered and how to avoid them.

    If you want to offer advice, then lets see some real advice, I'm all for new tricks and techniques to learn.


    Here are some pic's Drek




    I don't have time to play with you right now,I have to take my ball and go now.Maybe later.I'am sure your way of doing veneer is just fine.It's putting down another guy's way I have a problem with.Show me this show me that ,you would never use it if I or anyone else did so why waste my time.Now go have fun with my pic's.

  3. No Drak, I haven't done it this way. HOWEVER, the guy that is teaching me acoustic building, who, no offense, considering he's older than you from what I remember hearing about you, and that he's been doing woodworking his whole life.... I'm sure he's not a retard and knows what he's talking about. So, that said, NO I can't show you anything that I've done. But if he's going to suggest this method to me when I enquired about it, I'm bound to trust the guy. I wasn't saying your method doesn't work. I've seen your work, it obviously does, I was merely offering another method that is HISTORICALLY proven to work.

    As for the fact of cabinets vs. guitars. Unless you're doing a carved top, the methodology should be the same.

    Furthermore, did I say you could REMOVE the veneer and re-use it? HELL NO! I said that you can reWORK it with the hammer by heating it up. In no way could you fully remove the veneer and hope to use it again.

    So, next time you wish to demean me in a post, think before you speak.

    Now to the guy that actually wants the help: I use Hot Hide Glue for all sorts of stuff on acoustics. Don't waste your money on the expensive pots, go to Bed Bath and Beyond, buy one of their 12 dorm room style water heater things. Empty a small jam jar, fill it with HHG, then cut a hole in the top of the plastic water heating kettle shaped thing and drop it in the water. Get a $5 thermometer and stick that in there. On mine, 1/3 power keeps it nicely at the temp you want your glue at.


    Don't worry I have faith in your process......I do it different from both of you and mine comes out fine.Some people think there is only one way to do things....their way ,and the person asking does not have a clue because they have never done it.I don't use a ton of clamps and let it set over night .So just so as to not screw up the flow of infomation ,I'll just leave it at that.Just do it your way for you and let the other guy take two days for a one day job.Here is a example for you if you need

    it. http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff185/r...er/P1030711.jpg



    Oh,and by the way I just had Teisco Del Ray sign it ,and he said he liked the guitar ....good enough for me.

  4. Just sent my son in Alaska his birthday card, with cash in it ,it's been over two weeks and still has not received it.Regular snail mail.So just goes to show ,it's a risk no matter who you use.They will get a complaint soon,and I hope someone is caught.Alaska is real bad for not recieving your mail, or someone else getting it first.Sign of the times I guess. :D

    Thats why you don't ever send cash in the mail :D

    I know,but sometimes i just forget how people can be.To make matters worse...he works in a bank, so a check would have been fine.What ya gona do ,that's life.

  5. Just sent my son in Alaska his birthday card, with cash in it ,it's been over two weeks and still has not received it.Regular snail mail.So just goes to show ,it's a risk no matter who you use.They will get a complaint soon,and I hope someone is caught.Alaska is real bad for not recieving your mail, or someone else getting it first.Sign of the times I guess. :D

  6. It was sent out and you should recieve it 1/14/08.....by UPS... So be looking for it then.Good luck on your project.Look forward to the pic's.There mite be a little extra in the package ,to play with.So have fun and enjoy.

    Did you get your package?you should have it by now.

  7. It's called MONEY.....if someone can package it and sell it ,you get it ...if you like it or not.Alot of times lately it has nothing to do with skill.There are bands out there that have pros do the stuido work...to keep the cost down.Then in concert they sound like crap,but they sell the cd's.And of course the target cd and ticket buyers do not know the differents ,they just have to be flavor of the month,year etc.Some of the best players ,just do not have the target age group.If they sell they play ,if not they don't.MONEY,MONEY ,MONEY.

  8. Just for the heck of it ....look on Ebay...maybe someone is selling some cheep wood...

    Ebay is a nice way to get burned. Don't buy wood from someone you don't know on the internet.

    I think he was suggesting that the people who got my wood might sell it on ebay. I already thought about that and checked out ebay but didn't find anything.

    EDIT: hmmmm I just realized I have not yet received the padauk fingerboard you sent me Jon. I hope this is not becoming a trend...

    Yes ,that is what I was refering to,but thanks Jon for the heads up.

  9. I did something like that with a amp.....I was going to see my builder and my 1 watt amp,I could not get any sound out of....I felt like everything was working ,but no sound.He takes it from me and plugs the cord in the right hole,I felt like 2 inches high and started laughing.needless to say he fixed it right away.hahaha We still get a kick out of that one.I was plugging the cord in the out,

    That diamond plate is looking better then I thought it would.That is still a cool little guitar.

  10. this article by frank ford shows how much finger wear you can get on a rosewood board


    if you look at the first picture you will see divots between the strings rather than directly under. I have repaired some just as bad on wenge , all under basic chords

    Its the thing that always makes me want fretboards from denser woods

    Thanks for posting that. I have an old Alvarez acoustic with a fingerboard just like that. I was going to take a pic of it, but now I don't have to. :D Strings, fingers, whatever. If a rosewood board gets worn like that, a spruce board would get ground to mush. Mine belonged to a old redneck preacher man who must have wrung the fear of god out of the thing. The frets are worn almost all the way thru the crown in places. I found the tip of a rattlesnake tail inside, as well. :D

    Can I get a AMEN !!!!!

  11. Yhea , this one flows much better ,even with the red pickup....blends right in.I liked the blue on the other one,it just got a little busy with all the other colors.+1 on the steer head.....Texas being my home state....my great ,great ,grandfather was a Texas Ranger after the civil war.

  12. That's a great piece of wood for the body......but ,the chrome ,blue ,black,and red take away from the over all flow of the guitar.If I'am not mistaken you just put a Warmoth (or premade ) neck on it.It is still a cool guitar,just think it could be tricked out a little more,for such a great body.IMO at least take the wood to the head stock.

  13. UPS says their records show it was left on my porch at my address at 6:18 PM on the 27th. But I was home at that time, so obviously it got delivered to another front porch at that time.

    I know I can get my money back for the lost goods, but it was a really nice piece of figured mahogany and high grade spruce top for an acoustic. A bitter loss any way you cut it.

    I just wish there were more honest people in the world. I've had stuff wrongly delivered to our house before but we always took it over to the rightful owners house (obviously you know who, because the address is on it).

    In that case maybe just ask the people around your area,being so close to Christmas maybe they did not look at the address ,and are trying to figure out who would send them wood.Just hope it will turn up for you....Like I said I do feel your pain.If you can always have them ask for a sig. when shipping.Good luck.

  14. Thanks a lot for your comments :D

    I almost regret that I didn't tried to patent my system before making it public. Anyway I'll think about building a few more and selling them.

    It's not to late ,but I would do it ,and if you don't want to build for a living ...find a buyer in the bizz.That is what Ed Roman did or does ,he buys other peoples ideas and puts his name on them ....for worse I mite add...just an example.

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