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Posts posted by themikestro

  1. The pickguard thing bugs me too, i'll make a new one at some point to cover the gap. I'm pretty pleased with the way it went, plenty of planning, it's nice to have an "original" shape slung round your neck.

    Good to know its an appealing look!

    Can't wait to get started on a new one, although i'm having trouble sourcing decent wood in the UK, the ash I used on this one took a LOT of work!

    Any ideas for a name for this axe? I'll scrub and re-do the heasdstock with my own logo at some point and I need a name!

  2. Body yes, neck no, i'm leaving that for my next project a mahogany p90 equipped SG.

    It plays well, I put a slight neck angle on and it sounds fantastic, really good. I was inspired by Gibson Firebirds and the 52 Tele shape wise. Its pretty carved out at the back fro comfort but I can't find the pics for that. can't wait to put it through a big amp.

    Cheers for the feedback.


  3. Hi everyone,

    Over the last six weeks every night after work i've been slaving away on this beast. This is my first attempt at a guitar, other than some repair and refinishing work as well as my first effort at some serious wood working including the first (scary) time I used a router, I reckon it's not a bad effort.

    It is a heavy thing made from two pieces of 2" thick ash, 25 1/2" scale length, a pair of Kent armstrong humbuckers; PAF in the neck and hard rockin' super PAF in the bridge (like a Seymour JB, but cheaper) Through body stringing and sustain that goes on forever! I wasn't ready to tackle neck making yet so thats a spare I had.

    I documented the whole proccess so at some point i'll make a website with all the details on.

    Anyway here's a link to the pics, let me know what you think!

    Geetar Pics

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