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Posts posted by spirit

  1. Right. I really, really, REALLY, wish I had a digital camera, because then I could just upload the picture to show you what I've done, but I can't. Basically, I traced the horizontal guitar off of my screen, and messed with it. I discovered I was right about the waist (in my opinion at any rate). What I did is I made the waist thinner. I cut further into the body at both top and bottom (when looking at the horizontal picture) and made the upper left bit marginally smaller to match, and it looks perfect. I'll try and do something with "Paint" on Windows to show you. (I don't have photoshop either).

  2. the pedal itself is expensive because they are all handmade, and thats always more expensive than factory stuff;

    However, if you are wanting all five on the front, then it will simply be a case of wiring everything up to a switch.

    All depends on how many pots you want on the front. How many do you want on the front?

    1. The price doesn't include the pedal

    2. For the sake of ease, I would just want all the knobs on the front, and to wire the on/off to a DPDT switch, on the volume control.

  3. Ah. I've had it explained to me. My Dad was saying the cost of the technicians time will be expensive because of the shops overheads, and will rack up quickly. I suppose I can see what they're on now.

    EDIT: To Lovekraft: Yeh, like I just typed. I realise that now. I was just thrown by the price. I don't have acces to alot of money you see.

  4. Em, then to put it bluntly, what the hell are Mansons on?? I dunno if it's aginst any forums rules to post prices, like on MIMF, but heres the lowdown:

    Guts of pedal: £150 (about $266).

    Installation: £200 (about $355)

    Total: £350 (about $621)

    Perhaps they're doing something more complex than what I was talking about, but if they aren't, they're just screwing people!

  5. I just thought, surely it could be as simple as connecting what would be the output of the guitar, to what would be the input of the pedal, and then make the output of the pedal the output of the guitar? (Assming you followed that, or understand what I mean) And hooking up a DPDT for on/off. Is it, or could it really be that simple? Or am I just missing something?

  6. I'm sure some of you, maybe most of you, are familiar with a band called "Muse". They have a guitarist called Matt Bellamy, who has guitars, rather unsurprisingly. Said guitars, for the most part, have (among other stuff), a Zvex Fuzz Factory effects pedal built into them, by the luthier who makes his guitars, Hugh Manson. I am quite interested in doing the same (whenever I get around to building a guitar that is). Hugh Manson sells just the "guts" of these pedals for installation, installation charged extra (of course). It's £150 for the pedal and £200 for installation. I may not have £150 to spend, let alone £200 on installation. So I sent an email asking if I could do it myself, and they said that they wouldn't recommend it. Now I come to you lot. I want to ask if you think it's possible for someone with not so much experence in this kind of thing to be able to do it. Well, is it?

    P.S. Very sorry for the long post, I just like to explain myself

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