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Posts posted by bigdguitars

  1. Well now that I am in its time to setup the shop.

    The large routers will stay outside. But now do I move the bandsaw and sanding equipement in?

    I have two spots in this new house where I can build. I have half of a one car garage thats attached to the house. Or I can do the basement, problem is what do I bring in and what do I leave in the garage?

    What are your thoughts on all of this? I have an air filter and all of those types of protection. I also have shopnotes and all those other tools setup mags, but what is more pratical. I have listed out my process to build by, and I am not so sure of what to do.

  2. its not Like a fleet of lawyers are going to sweep him off to never never land.

    this is a lawsuit with other parties involved regardless of myself. It takes time.

    Even if I directly copied his work, which I did not do, how would he own IP on the shape of a tele guitar?

    things will come, will post when there is more info. still waiting for news on my ebay appeal.

  3. I will create a new account. I have appealed the suspension. This is a hole in ebay that needs to be fixed. I have some corporate buddies who know some ebay insiders, so this will get taken care of one way or another.

    updates in the nect couple days.

    oh yea another problem with ebay, THERE is no phone support even if you are a powerseller. goofy stuff man.

  4. yea this is all stupid.

    the fustrating thing is that anyone who lists a tele template it will get cancelled. All the other template seller I have talked to hate him too.

    I have talked to a lawyer and by calling him out in my auctions it shows that he is actually reading them and its not something that is done by a computer.

    Its got too much emotion in this and this is the last wording pattern that I can use. If this is cancelled then the lawyer is going to send a letter asking for legal documentation.

  5. yea at this point I don't know what to do, I don't care about selling my item really anymore, and I don't want to look stupod, but ebay is clearly off here and its just someone abusing the system.

    I realize that ebay is almost of no help here. Its sad, ebay customer service is so poor I am a powerseller and sell all the time and I am getting nothing from them.

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