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Posts posted by mat_swo

  1. The school is minnesota state southeast tech. The school has a job center with very high placement. Seeing as I only have 2 instuctors I get a very limeted amount of opinions about the way things should be. One of them hasn't even worked in a repair shop since the 80s and the other also works in a shop in Wi. I was just trying to get a wide variety of opinions so I can make the best decision foy myself. If you aren't going to be serious don't bother to post a reply!

  2. I have attended guitar repair scholl in Red Wing MN for two years and am now in search of a job in this field. Does anyone have any advice on jumping into a building or repair shop straight out of school? Anthing you know about shop rates, hourly wages of pecetages as far as getting paid are concerned would be nice to know as well. Thanks!

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