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Posts posted by PaulNeeds

  1. Interesting. I own a few bits of Behringer kit - mmixer, studio compressor and patch bay, and the build quality and performance is excellent in all cases. If I end up buying a non-floor mountable processor (Pod, Vamp), I certainly lean towards the Vamp because if I'm gonna use a weird shaped bit of plastic I'd rather pay less than more for a similar job. Wasn't aware of the rackmount though - that's really interesting.

  2. Is 3/8" thick enough for a f-hole, with a chamber beneath?

    I would love a bound edge, but doubt very much that I'd be capable of doing binding as well.

    An idea that occurs though, is to rout out a recess of the white main body, leave the edge proud - like binding - then fitting the rosewood into the recess.

    Another notion that occurs is that I have a Fender tele body here, that I could plane down the 3/8ths and fit the rosewood top to. Also have the scruffy Fender neck that could be brought to life, but it's all maple. I could, theoretically, not have a scratchplate either.

    Hmm, as you say Setch, food for thought indeed!

  3. Cheers Brian - I'll have a look at those and see if they've anything I can use.

    Thanks Drak. I remember being stunned by the figuring on the shark when you posted details of it here. What was the wood like to work with? I'm not experienced, and while it may be a hell of a project to start with, it appeals to me. If I don't rush it, I think it should turn out ok.

    The caps you mention are what I first thought of - especially as I would consider an f-hole/tele thinline sort of top. The rest of the body - I've a poplar body tele here which has a very pleasing sound, so I might go with that, or maybe consider mahogany as an alternative.

    I guess from your comment about all maple body that the rosewood is fairly bright tonally? If so, the mahogany may be a better choice.

  4. I see this instrument is for sale again:


    I loved this rosewood custom from the first time saw it on the film "Let It Be".

    I also really think I would like to have a similarly finished instrument myself, but I don't think I can *quite* stretch to a Customshop jobbie from Fender.

    So. Is rosewood available as a veneer in sizes sufficient to do a top and reface the headstock for a tele? Any UK suppliers known of - or maybe even continental Europe.

    Anyone ever done a rosewood top?

  5. I remember a company called Shergold that made modules somewhat like that back in the mid-late '70's I think.

    Mike Rutherford of Genesis was the only guy I ever saw actually playing one of them...

    That is a very nicely done body tho...

    was thinking of those guitars.

    As I recall, Rutherford's guitar(s) took the idea even further, as it had separate body/neck combinations that could be added to each other.

    Hard to explain it in text, but say the standard top guitar in a twin neck was a 12-string. the bottom instrument could be a bass, or a 6-string, or whatever. They clicked together, taking care of all the electrics at the same time.

    Jack Shergold worked for Burns at one stage, I believe. The bass player in the 70's Mannfred Mann's Earthband also played a Shergold twin-neck - used to live opposite me here in south Wales. Pete Bowen - nice geezer.

  6. what I meant re the wound G is this - if your nut is cut too shallow, simply the pressure of your finger fretting the note can bend the string even if you push straight down - almost the same as if the board were scalloped, but not as extreme.

    It makes it impossible to play open chords and barred chords in tune with each other. If you can notice this (any many don't) it can be painful to the ear. As I said, it annoys the **** out of me.

    Using a thicker, stiffer or tighter string helps this odd artifact. EVERY Gibson type I've owned has had this to some extent or another, & needing reslotting. A thicker string set is better for many reasons, arguably, but I'm a lazy git and use 9-42s. Used to play 13's when I was playing bass a lot, and used to bend those suckers all over too.


  7. I've just broght some chrome mounting rings! their the dogs bolocks! :D

    Rob: Are they all metal or chromed plastic? I fancy some gold ones for my old aria LP-ish guitar - but it's a 3 humbucker jobby so the middle one would need to be shaped down from a bridge one. Metal on emery on the surface of the body would be bloody hard work.

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