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Posts posted by Dragyn

  1. Look for some name in the Arachnid world, it looks kinda like a mean insect. Y'know, like 'Mantis' or some other insect name. :D

    I agree, the horns look like the pincers or mandibles of a large insect. Actually the whole body looks like the head of some kind of insect. :D

    Mantis sounds kool, also maybe Recluse as in the Brown Recluse Spider. B)

    IF only want to pick from the above list I would go with Sniper. B)

    I possibly need more sleep too!!!! B)

    Dragyn :D:D

  2. We went from Amatuer Guitar for the Month of August to Weather conditions. . . . .

    Hmmmm. . . . . There must be a correlation in there somewhere :D

    I voted for Primal's bass because of the extra effort of it being an early in his skill level project, although I consider all of the entries far and above my meager skill level and awesome pieces of work.

    Dragyn B):D

    P.S. It is mid 70's, sunny and humidity of around 30 - 40% here in northeast Il. :D:D

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