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Posts posted by FrostStorm

  1. Hey everybody.. I have a question for those who have made a baritone guitar:

    I'm going to build a 8-string electric guitar with two trussrods. I'm going to use 28" or maybe even 30" scale with 24 frets.. It's going to be a long neck, so the question is.. How long trussrod should I use?

    I have seen some 18 1/8" long rods and the longer are for bass guitars (24"), which I think are too long. I know there's no "absolute truth" for the trussrod lenghts, but I'd like to get some insight from people who have done this kind of guitar already..

    Thanks in advance,


  2. You might want to consider the 7-string blackouts again.. My friend had Ibanez 7-string and I installed blackouts to it.. Well, guy played it for few weeks and said that the low B was kinda muddy, anything but clear and sharp sounding. It could be the woods of guitar (the guitar did not resonate at all, even if it was a hardtail), his amp, which i highly doubt since it was engl powerball, or something... but the original ibz-pickups were more clear and defining anyway. on the other hand, I have blackouts on my 6-string Bc Rich Assassin, and it just rips, cuts and destroys anything that is in the way. Love those pups.

  3. Wow. That's what i call telecaster! Nice work, mate. You've got the same story as I do.. First hated tele's and then I tried out fender's 2 humbucker-tele, which had a nice setneck and played like hell.. Still regret that I didn't have the money at the time. Now I'm even more tempted to build a tele.. Just got to decide which one the next one will be, 7-string king V, or 7-string telecaster.. :D

  4. Hello, fellow builders!

    It's friday and I (finally...) got time to build these babies on. Unfortunately I had only 2 hours, which included coffee-break and lunchbreak, so not too much progress.. :D

    I cut some holes to that nice top, fearing the worst case scenario (f*cking it up somehow, ruining my nice mapletop), but it turned out ok.

    Note that these are just rough cut holes, and I'm going to sand it out etc, so no reason to freak out :D

    Then I started to build the neck from mahogany. Already cut the neckjoint to the blank and did some lil' tweakings to it.

    Anyway, enough with my talking, here we go again with some pics!





    Someday near that walnut fretboard is going to get some neat (hopefully flamed) birch bindings.. and I'm making pickup bezels of birch too, so stay tuned for more pics B)


  5. Sure you can ask, why not? It's not a secret or anything.. I bought it on ebay, the seller was finewoods (or something like that..) from Canada, cost about 40$ + postal, or so.. No custom fees, and it took about 2 months to arrive.

    Flame birch is great looking wood. I use it daily as I make furniture out of it (tables, chairs etc.)

    Maybe I will use flame birch in my next project, which will be 7-stringer.. And I think it will be V-model. :D

  6. Hello all! My name is Jari, i'm from finland. I'm new here and this is my first post.. and what could be more suitable as a first post, than pics of 2 projects i'm currently working on?

    So, let's get down to business. I'm making 2 different kind of guitars, Flamed Top les paul and solid color superstrat, something like Ibanezes or whatever. Specs are as follows..

    Les Paul:

    Body&Neck - Mahogany, glued on neck.

    Fretboard - Walnut, no inlays

    Top - Some nice figured maple

    Color - Not sure yet.. I'm open for suggestions.

    electronics - 2 hums, 1 volume, 1 push/pull tonepot for splitting/phase shifting and 3-way switch.

    Hardware - T.O.M+Stop Bar, wilkinson tuners.. All goldplated.

    I'm gonna make it a lil' bit modernized version, with better fret access etc.


    Body&Neck - Mahogany, neck through

    Fretboard - Maple, no inlays.

    Color - Something very bright and 80's, like neon yellow, green etc..

    Electronics: not sure yet.. thinking about 1 hum 2 singles, 5-way switch, 1 volume and push/pull tonepot for splitting the bridge pup.

    Hardware - T.O.M+String through, wilkinson tuners.. Maybe black? Got to think about that one.

    Gonna make it sleek and fast looking and playing shredmachine.

    Anyway, enough with the talk, here's some pics, more to come!

    Les Paul:



    Note that this top isn't ready, not even close.. I haven't even sanded it down, it's straight from the planing.





    Any opinions are welcome, suggestions about the colors of stain&paint, questions etc.. Bring em on!

    Oh, and excuse me if I made some mistakes writing, since english isn't my main language :D

    G'day and rock on! :D

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