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Posts posted by ThePlague

  1. you guys know he was being sarcastic when he suggested a bad black dye job and writing/symbols on the guitar right?

    i agree with mike that you should just have something that fits with the body. i also like the idea of making the headstock look kinda like the bottom horn.

  2. know this one I like it's simple and it goes with the IMPALER design, now mine wount be just like this one since I already have a curve in the headstock but If I go with the lines on the headstock it will look like a claw or a blade! :D

    !!METAL MATT!! :D

    i think that'd be a good start, but the lines on the impaler aren't that clean. to me the impaler looks like an explorer that's been in a battle. that headstock needs to be roughed up a little bit. B)

  3. i'm not really liking that design. the axe head looks like something just randomly thrown on, not like it's meant to be part of the headstock.

    i'm not getting an axe vibe from this guitar anyways. this one looks like more of a crude (meant in the best way possible :D) weapon, and smooth flowing lines like those of an axe or sword don't really fit well IMO.

  4. Ok guy's Iam just NOT likeing this headstock at all so Iam thinking cut it off and then joint the cut and glue on a ney piece of wood and do my own headstock design but Iam just woundering if there's anyone that has done this before

    I dont think it will be all that hard but I am worried about the join being strong enough under a 7-string's pull  :D

    !!METAL MATT!! B)

    how are you thinking of cutting it? cutting it off as in cutting parallel to the nut? i wouldn't trust doing it like that.

    the way i'd do it would be to just take off enough wood on one side (which side depends on if the headstock will be regular or reverse) to square it up, and then glue on to that. if you do it that way there's no reason i could see that it wouldn't work.

  5. note: everything in my post is speculation. i don't know the answer, i'm basically thinking aloud. (or in text)

    i don't think a white STAIN is possible. in pigments white is the absence of all color. so you can't really add a color to something and hope to get white out of it.

    seems like you're looking for something more along the lines of bleaching the wood. i have absolutely no experience with wood bleaching so i don't know how well this would work for what you want.

    by the way a completely white guitar with an ebony fretboard looks amazing. especially if the hardware is white powder coated.

  6. not to you see if you have a happy customer or not first, i mean, i am a truly un biased person, and would be glad to take that rounder one off your hands for a test to see if you should build and sell or not B) lol


    :D sneaky sneaky.

    on a more on-topic note: the impaler is looking fricking sweet. i love explorers, so this guitar is just amazing.

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