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Posts posted by ThePlague

  1. i like that new one much better than the first. the first seemed kinda stubby to me. the new elongated one is much better IMO.

    i'm not much into pointy guitars, but your designs are some of the only ones i can stand. it's nice to see someone who knows how to design a guitar that is tastefully brutal.

    i really want to see you finish one of these.

  2. correct me if i'm wrong on anything.

    fanned frets are nothing like a buzz feiten system. having fanned frets simply allows you to have a shorter scale length on your treble strings (so you can tune them higher) and a longer scale length on bass strings (so you can tune them lower while maintaining tension).

    i've never seen fanned frets on anything less than an 8 string guitar. on 6 and 7 stringers, it's just not necissary. only if you're wanting to hit a low F# or a high A (or both :D ) do you really need fanned frets.

  3. my only suggestion would be to go with chrome hardware instead of nickel. The "coldness" and brightness of the chrome (as opposed to the slightly warmer nickel) would accent the dark, shiny black a little better.

    what i was gonna say. i love the cold blue tint of chrome. granted that guitar is still amazing with nickel. nice work.

  4. i'm liking the ideas behind this, as well as the vampyre you cut out. there's just a few things i'd change if i were the one doing it.

    instead of having it covered in red, i'd cover it in black, with maybe some red "veins" in it. and definately chrome corners.

    i'd have the grill cloth or whatever you'll be using be black as well, possibly outlined in chrome.

    for knobs i like the black knob with red lettering idea. with a chrome control plate.

  5. i don't see anyone giving you a hard time. i see people trying to help because they've been through what you're doing, and know what worked for them and what didn't. of course you can do it however you want. they're just trying to help.

    it looks like you've done a good amount of planning on this. i'm eager to see how this turns out.

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