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Posts posted by ThePlague

  1. i'm going to be starting work on my custom rg style guitar (first build) probably in the next week. i've got it all planned out, except for the inlay.

    to start with i was just going to do side dots and have a blank top of the fretboard, but then i saw GuitarMaestro's (i think that's the right name) 7 string with the dot pattern inlay. i've started thinking i might do something like that, since i wouldn't need a dremel for it.

    so i started playing around in paint with a rough idea of what the guitar will *hopefully* look like, and this is what i came up with. what do you think? doable for a first timer?


  2. It's not a matter of taste, it's a matter of logic. If glue is bad, then neckthroughs are worse than setnecks, given that they feature at least 3 times as much gluing surface as a standard mortise and tenon neck joint.

    but the logic behind a neck-thru is that the strings are anchored at both ends to the same piece of wood. there's no glue or bolt joint in between to mess up the vibrations.

    but in reality, a well made guitar of any construction type will have enough sustain for any practical use.

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