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Posts posted by Zeb_hendrix

  1. 24", 24.75", 24.66", 24.9", 25", 25.4", 25.5"....all of these fall into the category of 'common scale length'.

    Buy Melvyn Hiscock's book 'Make Your Own Electric Guitar'. Understand scale length. Understand neck angle (Perry's pinned tutorial in the tutorials section will help). Understand the basic concepts of radiussing, levelling, fretting, dressing, and setup. Once you comprehend the guitar's playing surface (ie, fretboard, frets, spacing, compensation, necessary/desired angles between all the parts), design the rest of the guitar around it. Otherwise you'll be embarking on a GLO build (Guitar-like object), rather than a guitar build (ie, a tool for making music).

    The scale of my neck of my neck is 25.5" just so everyone knows

    That is cool, now figure out what type of bridge you want to use. Then you will have the info you need to start figuring this out :D

    Im using a Bigsby B5 bridge with a Gotoh stop tailpiece.

  2. 24", 24.75", 24.66", 24.9", 25", 25.4", 25.5"....all of these fall into the category of 'common scale length'.

    Buy Melvyn Hiscock's book 'Make Your Own Electric Guitar'. Understand scale length. Understand neck angle (Perry's pinned tutorial in the tutorials section will help). Understand the basic concepts of radiussing, levelling, fretting, dressing, and setup. Once you comprehend the guitar's playing surface (ie, fretboard, frets, spacing, compensation, necessary/desired angles between all the parts), design the rest of the guitar around it. Otherwise you'll be embarking on a GLO build (Guitar-like object), rather than a guitar build (ie, a tool for making music).

    The scale of my neck of my neck is 25.5" just so everyone knows

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