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Ki swordsman

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Posts posted by Ki swordsman

  1. it'll be tight

    i assume your b is around .013? and not a 7th string?

    remember a heavy e is .011 (i think)

    i'd tune it to a D or something and just play differently for a little bit

    if it's a floating trem your setup will go out

    if not i wouldn't worry but i wouldn't tune all the way to E if it feels like it's getting really tight...

  2. basically you can put a whole amp setup in a rack for efficiancy, choice(you can always swap one piece out, like a preamp..etc), and you can often get better sounds for less, a used pre/power is gonna be cheaper usually than a used 2000$ head and you could equal the sound..

    each rack piece usually has it's own power cable :D

    here's the rack i want to put together at the moment

    (6 spaces)

    Gmajor effects-1 space

    midi switcher(ground control) so i can control everything from the one unit- 1 space

    egnater IE4 preamp- 2 spaces

    Peavey classic 50/50- 2 spaces

    it means you don't have to worry about carrying, controlling, or seting up heaps of pedals, and you have great freedom with preamp and poweramp choice B)

  3. nice work as usual jer(whether it's tuts, guitars, bikes, planes....lol) :D

    is it posible to paint tuners,tunomatic bridge and a stop tailpiece? Has anyone done this before and how has it turned out?

    you'd probably be better off making a new topic for this

    hey im redoing my bass is it a bad ideal to use spray paint and then go over with clear coat

    no, that's the general idea with refinishing... could you elaborate?

    you might want to make a seperate topic too B)

  4. well, i did the front and back no probs with an electric sander,

    and did half the sides tonight by hand, i tried the sponge(which is great for certain contours) but paper in hand seems more efficiant,

    though the sponge would kick ass if it was coarser...

    i don't see how you could get finger grooves though, how big do you mean? i see no evidence of any at the moment, is it the sort of thing that might only show through the finish?

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