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Posts posted by ShreddyKrueger

  1. those ideas sound cool. but i already am almost finished with painting. :D

    i have all the color coats done, i'm just finishing the clear coats up. then we play the waiting game for a month and a half for the paint to fully harden, and then on to final sanding and buffing. Here are the pics of the body and headstock after all the color coats.



    i still have some touching up to do on the masking lines. the paint i bought sucked, and stuck to the tape as i was pulling it up.

  2. racing stripes aren't really somthing i would do for myself. but other people may like it. different strokes for different folks i guess. and to me the pinstriping would look wired with a regular V. the rhoads v makes it look good because the two... uh.. what do you call them? well, they aren't the same size. and i think thats why it looks good.

  3. Hey everybody, it's been a while since i posted on here. My other project fell through due to my lack of funds. (I'm broke) But anyway... For my birthday last year i got a bunch of cash, so i went out and bought a Dime V from Media Play. (This was before Dimbag got killed, so don't start thinking that i only boughtit cause he died) And now its been about 8 months or so, and i'm sick of the camo. So i decided to refinish it. I took it apart, and in doing so, a piece of the camo paint "peeled off" so i guess the camo istn't really apint, its just a big sticker. I have a pic of the before and after. I still have to take the rest of the paint off the back and sides, and get this white papery residue off the front. here are the pics.



    I also don't have any idea on what i'm going to paint on it, or the colors, so I'm open to suggestions.

  4. Well, last night i was playing my guitar, and i heard a slight 'crack.' just a small one. then BAM!!! the neck pocket snaps down the middle. not parallel to any side or anything, but through the body. it's kinda hard to explain. I need to fix this. is it possible, ro will it be weaker. I swear i almost cried when it happened. I'm pretty sure it's because of the humidity in my basement, or maybe the wood is really porus. or both, i dunno.

  5. I have all the parts now, and i got my parts from Brian yesterday. I looked at the switch (an on/on switch) and it has six of the little things on the bottom. (i don't know what they are called. :D ) And i was wondering if anyone could draw up a wiring diagram for two humbuckers, the switch and a volume pot. Not a schematic, i don't really know how to read them very well. Thanks in advance.

  6. the drummer in my band didn't know how to play drums when we formed. (we couldn't find anyone else) so i had to teach him. now he only does what i say. very annoying... so i have to make up all the drum parts for our songs. trust me, if you form a band, get someone who can already play.

  7. Hi everyone, i am working on the headstock, and i was getting ready to order the parts for the LED bat logo. and i came across the tutorial in the electronics tutorial section, and the Current limiting resistor calculator. I was wondering what would be a good desired milliamps, and voltage per LED. Here is a diagram of what i was thinking about LED placement.


    I'm new to LEDs, so if that is a really bad idea, be gentle with you critisism. :D

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