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Posts posted by thewickedjester

  1. ok, i so i have a standard, run of the mill, p-bass. and i was wanting to "spruce" it up a bit.

    is a 4 string to 5 string conversion possible without a whole lot of money being spent?

    what i was wondering was: do i have to buy a new neck that is set up for 5 strings, or do i have the option to add another kewind to my existing neck?

    also: i have seen some people do conversions (i havent found a tutorial or anything that answers my questions, if anyone knows, can you point to it) but what i was wonder was do i have to change the pickups, and if so what to?

  2. i used a dremel to cut mine (but it was probably thinner than what you need, i used mine for an xbox mod), but a dremel with a cutting disc is great for the strait lines, then a grinding disc to smooth out any round parts in it

    i get all my plexiglass for my projects at my local surplus store, if you have one but they dont have any plexiglass, keep checking every now and then, surplus stores get new stuff in all the time

  3. just for strength and (im guessing) to make it more easier, ill go with a solid body and then glueing the neck into it.

    on rickenbackers website, the description for the 4003 bass (which is pretty much the exact replica of the 4001) list the body as being solid, but the neck being through body, i think the body being solid means that its one peice of wood with the neck bolted or glued on, but doesnt saying the neck is through body mean that is a neck with wings glued on? its all very confusing to me, thanks for your help

  4. ok, i have been reading a bunch of tutorials and im gonna try and get a book today, but i did have another question.

    most everything i read shows the body of the guitar being glued, do i have to glue 2 peices of wood together and then cut them out to form the body? or can i use one big peice?

    bassed off this picture, it looks like the body is just the 2 sides glued onto the neck that runs the entire length of the body, is that how this guitar was made? it just is confusing me a little.

  5. thats weird, it didnt put my question in, mabye i typed something wrong???

    bassically, i was asking what the white strip around the edge is, is it another peice of wood under the top wood? or do they just paint it.

    i know its gonna be tough but ill take my time and go for it anyways.

    any tips you can offer to would be good.



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