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68 lost souls

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Posts posted by 68 lost souls

  1. Ok its about time I say a few things about this as I posed the question.

    The guitar Im aiming for is to have it as versitile as possible. I hace the electronics mostly sorted out and the shape of the body (apart from the thickness) sorted out aswel as the neck, fingerboard and headstock. I have the woods pretty much picked out. The fret wire picked out, the truss rod etc. I just need to decide on the bridge and nut and possibly tuners.

    If I get a floyd I will user black grover tuners and a OFR locking nut. At the moment on my favourate guitar I have a TOM with a stop tail. I miss a trem though because I want to be able to get that sound. I figured that a OFR was the best trem around.

    What are your thoughts on the TOM trem that they sell on STEW MAC but not sure. http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Bridges,_tailp...es.html#details

    If I use this with locking tuners would it stay in tune and is there anyway to make them black?

    What are your thoughts on the mustang tremelo?

    What else would you suggest?


  2. The inlay has cjanged a little. Its not exactly that but the basic heart is the same. I am changing the things sticking out, dunno what to call them.

    Ill try and post pics of the inlay ideas once I get a chance.

    Yeah the wood I said earlier is red aswel thats why I was using it because Im putting the gibson finish on aswel.

  3. I have read alot about floyd rose trems and there seems to be alot of negative feedback about them. I want to know if I should put one into my guitar, theres alot of people saying they dont stay intune and the strings break easily, is this true?

    How hard is it to change strings?

    I will be getting original floyd rose (if any) as I dont want to risk with a lower quality replica and I dont want to have to buy special strings for the speedloader.

    Please :D


  4. Im going to be putting an macasar ebony fingerboard on my guitar and I will be doing some custom inlay on both the fingerboard and the head of the guitar. I dont want to use MOP or any other standard inlay material as I want something different.

    I was thinking of using a different type of wood to make the inlays out of. What wood do you think would look good?

    I may use the same wood I inlay the fingerboard with to laminate the headstock and use ebony to inlay that. Any thoughts?


  5. Im thinking of making my neckthrough out of a Goncalo alves neck with mahogany wings. I want to finish it using the gibson voodoo finish so Im going to put a top of swamp ash on it and also to hide the two tone wood at the back Ill put another laminate of swamp ash. My quesion is what thickness should I use for things. I was thinking of 1 1/2" mahogany with the laminates being 1/4" . That would meen that the goncalo alves (the neck) will only be 1 1/2" through the body.

    Is that thick enough?

    Have you got any other suggestions that would help?


  6. Whats the trem on it like, does it stay in tune at all and what is the sustain like with it compared to floyd.

    Dunno which I should get a floyd or mustang bridge, the mustang bridge should be cheaper thats the main thing but I want to get the better of the two?

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