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Fraser Welsh

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Posts posted by Fraser Welsh

  1. Hello, me again, just a quickie this time:

    I'm about to mount the bridge onto my body and drill the holes for the strings (it's a hard tailed bridge) and I'm wondering what difference the positioning of the bridge makes on the inotation, ie, can I put it anywhere on the body or does it have to be a certain disstance from the neck?

  2. The problem I would have with the Dave Gilmour EMG plate is that although my guitar is basically a strat it's a slightly odd shape (kinda like a strat trying to be a mustang) and I'm not sure if a standard scratch plate will fit. Still, I have no money at all at the moment so I've got plenty of time to make enquiries and experiment...

  3. EMGs really would be part of my dream guitar, maybe it is worth saving up. In my local music shop they sell them for 350 quid, which is a bit steep. But if they are available cheaper I might have to get some...

    Thanks again

  4. I thought that EMG singlecoils were well over 100 quid each, maybe I've been miss-informed. Therre again maybe you've just got more money than me! I'll have to do a little more research, as for the mid boost, well I hadn't actually found any on my travels so have no idea about the cost.


    Thanks for the help,


  5. When I come to putting the elecronics together for my new axe (shouldn't be long now), being a big fan of Dave Gilmour one of the things I'm interested in is a mid-range boost, so that I can at least TRY to emmulate his tones without spending a fortune on EMGs. I know I'll need battery power but don't know what else I'll need, or where exactly I can get them. I've seen two different models fitted to guitars: a pot controlled boost like on the Eric Clapton signature strat and some switch based models on some Aria strat copies. Can anybody give me any more information?

  6. Okay, now I've got the body sorted I need to start thinking about a scratchplate to stick on it so that I can start work on the electrics. I've got a card template for the general shape I want the plate (similar to that of a thinline Tele) but am unsure about how best to build the thing. My goal is three ply with black top and bottom and gold in the middle so that I can cut away some suitable shapes in the top surface for added cosmetic value. What's the best way of going about this?

  7. Hi, I've recently started to put together a custom guitar and have got a great strat style body from ebay, but want to make a few adjustments to it to suit my style:

    On my existing strat I don't use the tremlo so want this model to have Tele style through body stringing for fuller tone. Its routed (as far as I can tell) for a normal tremlo, though the cut out on the front is t shaped rather than rectangular. What's the best/easiest way to convert it, or can you offer any other surgestions?

    Also has anyone got any tips for building proffesional looking scratchplates?


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