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Posts posted by snife

  1. How deep did you recess that tune-o-matic?


    How do you order the carvin neck-thru with options like no inlays? do you have to call them up or something?

    I wish I could re-order mine now with block inlays!

    very nice work, by the way. I'm just starting out on a similar project only with a different body shape.

    oh yeah and it might look a little off to you because the neck is 24 fret and the scale is different from the esp

    it looks good though

  2. That's the kind of answer I was expecting but I had the serial # and include it on the e-mail so he couldn't say that it was an old guuitar

    I got this guitar off of ebay and there was no Serial Number on it anywhere, only "Made in Korea" on the back of the headstock.

    and I dont know about Epiphone's quality standards, I saw a thread on some other forum where someone uncovered that the laminate on top of theirs was actually some kind of dense cardboard :D

    I was going nuts trying to find a cheap SG that I liked. The proportions on most of the knock-offs I looked at just looked off, the bridge seemed too close to the back of the guitar

    I'm in love with SGs, so if this one goes well, for my next project I'll try just building an SG body and I"ll buy a warmoth neck for it... I'm thinking string thru body and maybe a transparent black finish... we'll see.

    I'll update my progress as soon as I get more done...

    I have this problem where my interest sometimes comes and goes on projects like these, so I work in spurts

  3. The LP is a cheapy made by a company called "Kona" I got it off ebay about a year ago for $160 new. I dont think the guy who was distributing them on there sells them anymore. It's not half bad... I'd say the quality is as good as the Epiphone.

    The contour of the body is a little weird, it's sort of a pronounced "hump" that's flat on top. heh.

    oh yeah and it had THE WORST stock tuners I've ever encountered


    OK, here's my step by step guide to stripping:

    1: go buy the nastiest stripper you can find <-- the more warnings on the label, the better

    2: put it on thick

    3: wait

    4: scrape

    5: sand like crazy

  4. yeah I was kinda bummed out to find that the body wasn't mahogany, I tried emailing Gibson for exact details but their response was completely ambiguous; they said my model was from the 80's, 90's OR 2000's (gee thanks :D ) and it could be mahogany or alder.

    but I'm sure it's an older G-400 model because it has the dot inlays on the fretboard.

    those are just the slabs I'll be attaching to the headstock after I remove the sides (probably with a belt sander). After gluing them on, I'll draw on the new design and reshape it.

    I dunno, the epiphone headstock shape just bothers me for some reason, no one's going to see it or anything or make fun of me for not having a gibson, i just dont like how slim it looks.

  5. cool site.

    I was actually thinking of buying one of those cheap SGs on eBay and attempting something very similar then I decided to just work on the Epiphone I already had.

    too bad the burst didn't work out for you.

    I'm going to be attempting a burst finish soon and I'm pretty worried about messing it up

    good luck with the rest of it!

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