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Posts posted by LukeR

  1. Hi everyone,

    I have waited for an opertunity to post this;

    I have had the pleasure of buying parts from Perry, and he is truely knowledgeable about his stock, and is always willing to answer/advise as to what best suits your needs.

    If you are thinking about ordering a trussrod (or anything) from Perry, i assure you that you wont be disapointed.

    Hope everyone has had a good start to the new year,


  2. Hi,

    just a stab in the dark... but werent the old Gibson bass pickups high (almost unusable) output? (I mean the original 335-looking basses.)

    If it has a serial number, you could try entering it into the Gibson sites serial number search (I did this with my P90, and I got a hit).

    Just an idea,


  3. That whole 'My kids are out of control- I must pray for them' is rediclous, I think.

    I remeber my neigbour's mom was like that- her kid 16 yearold smoked pot 24 hrs a day- 'I guess the most productive thing I can do is pray' :D

    maybe, maybe not....


  4. hahaha

    In Australia, its pretty much the opposite...no one smokes in peoples cars or houses...everyone I know goes outside to smoke. Even when I was living by myself, I STILL used to go outside to smoke.

    Stale cigarette smoke is disgusting, even to me.

    They are going to ban smoking in clubs and bars though- I think thats a bit wierd, as nearly everyone seems to smoke at these places (smokers AND social smokers).

    Thats about the one thing i find strange- obviosly you cant smoke in any building, shopping center, resturant, cimema or whatever, but clubs and bars have everyone smoking.

    In fact, you cant smoke within 3 metres of any governement building.

    Which is fair enough. They are also trying/are banning smoking on beaches.


  5. Just add a cap full of whisky- make your guit smell like Keef, man!

    (A product called 'Fabreeze' claims to get rid of cigarette smell- I wouldnt know though, im a chain-smoker... there is a perinial cigarette smoke cloud over my head).

    Merry Xmas


  6. Hi everyone,

    I have nothing to do with this competition, nor any entry (so no real 'standing' so to speak) but it seems as if there is a few would-be elligible guitars out there, only they wont be finished by the deadline.

    Seeing as though there ARE potential candidates out there... and none ready ATM...maybe the deadline could be extended a bit? Again, I have no 'standing', but it seems that a few people are almost ready.

    Just an idea,


  7. Guitar World has pretty much all the things you have listed covered... I like Guitar World and the UK 'Guitarist'.

    I also used to like a UK magazine called 'The Guitar Magazine', but i havent seen it for ages.

    I was never much into 'Guitar School', but I also loved 'Guitar For The Practising Musician' in its day.

    Since the interent, I havent really had much need for magazines- I also dont think they are as good as when i started buying them (1991 or so).

    Hope thats a bit of a help,


  8. Hi man,

    I have heard about those steamed tops!

    A few years ago, I bought an accoustic fior $15, and the neck was in the same condition.

    What I did was cleaned all of the inlays with cotton wool buds and furniture polish (My inlays were plastic, and i used a furniture polish that specifically listed plastic as one of its intended uses).

    I then VERY gently scrapped the board with a razorblade/scraper (VERY gently- just enough to remove the dirt- not the wood).

    I then gave the board several applcations/polishes with Dr Stringfellow lem-oil.

    I dont know if this is the correct way of doing things, but the board (and the inlays) came up wonderfully.

    Hope thats a help- please guys, dont hesitate to say if this is the wrong thing to do.

    Good luck with it,


  9. Hi man, welcome aboard.

    Another idea might be to try using Rustins Plastic coat. It is a clear VERY hard finish. You can brush it on- I imagine if you did several coats, sanding in between obviously, you could get a comprable fingerboard finish.

    A guy here called Setch has used this product to finish his guitar, with stunning results. Brian May also used this to finish his Red Special.

    Hope thats some more food for thought.


  10. Out of curiosity- it IS a steel string Acoustic, isnt it? When I first started playing many, many years ago, my guitar teacher told me to take the classical strings off the gitar, and replace them with steel strings (it was actually a classical guitar, but had a steelstring bridge on it)

    Suffice to say, after a few months, the problem you describe presented itself.

    It is possible you have steel strings on a classical guitar?


  11. I dont know how, but I am willing to bet that the Zakk Wlyde overdrive is a modded Distortion+. (Well, I mean the same base circuit as the Dist+, OD-250 and th YJM).

    I havent seen the schem for the Zakk myself, but I am sure it is around.

    Just another (possible) option,


  12. Hahaha,

    Drak beats me again :D . I was talking about the earlyish Wes Montgomery jazz, and the George Thoroughgood (sp, sorry) at the blues/rock extremity.

    It IS hard to give advise over the internet on things such as tone, but again, as Drak says, you are still fairly young, and the P90 is an acquired taste (like a single malt whiskey as apposed to house wine).

    The PAF (or similar alnico equipt humbucker) is a GREAT starting point for a great sound- P90s ARE great for what I THOUGHT you meant though.

    Surprise, surprise, I second the what Drak said about P90s being raw sounding (but in a VERY good way) Again, I was thinking aboiut the bassy Wes mkontgomery sound (using the tone rolled down- Wes Montgomery used his thumb)- P90s are a very 'rock'n'roll' (in the original sense of the music) pickup- GREAT pickup, but one of the hardest to make versitile (not inversitile, just alot more work).

    I should have added that apart from using all the shieling/grounding techniques known to man, I also have tried no less then 15 different caps on the tone to find the best tonal variation for me.

    Sorry for the confusiuon though!


    PS- Drak, can you guess my age?

    Hope you both are are well- goodnight!

  13. Another tip I have learned over the years is that Compression makes them ALOT louder. If you ride your compressor during your playing it will make a difference. (That is, for big, long sustained AHs.) A disrtorted tone should be fine for most stuff you will generally come across riffing.

    It will take ALOT of practice to get it, sadly.

    Good luck,


  14. Hahaha, cool :D

    I am afraid now its up to you... Both pickups have pluses and minuses. If you REALLY dont mind the noise, then I would go for the P90s. Have you checked out the Seymour Duncan sound samples?

    They are great pickups, P90s- very underrated IMHO.

    I would go for it if i were you!

    Please tell us how you go,

    Good luck with it all,


  15. Yes, sorry Drak, you are 100% right. My opinions were based on my rock, heavy rock, blues and jazz type playing. Both P90s and PAFs suit me well for my type of playing, but Godin, could you please give us an idea what stlyes you plan to play in?

    Also, I dont mean to flame you or anything, but i do believe that noise may still be a prob with P90s- in my experience, they were alot noisier than the single coils in my strat, and that was after a lot of differnt shielding techniques, insulation, potting, shiedling tape... you name it, i tried it. The hot soapbar was the worse by far, but the other P90s were still VERY noisy.

    Jason Lollar makes great P90 replacements- it may be worth checking his stuff out.


  16. I have only hard one KWS song, but I really liked it. I wish I could find the name of it- I heard it on the radio. It featured an Octavia very heavily, and I believe the vocals were sang in a fairly low register. It was on the radio, so i am guessing it was a single.

    Does anyone know what that song is called?

    (Sorry for bing slightly OT)


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