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Posts posted by DanBB

  1. Thanks for all your help and interesting discussion. I think I will try installing the new pickups with the existing wiring to begin with. If that doesn't produce the desired sound, I'll rip it out and replace with new wiring. I'm trying to get a nice warm tone because although the existing Jackson pickups give a high output with low noise, the sound is quite flat and has no "soul" (if I can use such a word!).



  2. Hello

    I own a 80s/90s Charvel Spectrum which came with 3 Jackson single-coils with active circuitry which I am trying to replace with white noiseless Fender-style Dimarzios / Seymour-Duncans. I have researched on the internet and found that although my particular guitar's circuitry is active, the pick-ups themselves are passive and don't contain pre-amps in the actual pickups like 'ordinary' actives (like EMGs). My question is, does this mean I can keep the existing electrics and simply connect 3 new Strat-style single-coil passives to the existing set-up, or do I need to rip out all the active circuitry and buy completely passive wiring?

    Hope you can help.


    Dan, UK

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